Naim Serious about upgrading?

You won’t need to DR it again though just a standard service.

It wasn’t DRed by the previous owner 3 years ago. It’s very good without.


I would have thought a recently DRd and serviced hi cap2 to have the same resale value as a recent hicapDR. Would anyone be able to tell the difference??

It might well be that Naim makes more money by selling new units than refurbing old. They weren’t obliged to offer the upgrade to DR, but if it clearly makes more financial sense to buy a new DR unit and sell the replaced non-DR then the course of action is obvious.

Yes, by the serial number, and it will always be looked upon by potential buyers as being worth less, and possibly avoided altogether by some people.

It’s not black and white. The noise floor lowers considerably. My expectation was that this would reveal more natural reverb tails etc. In reality it’s a slightly closed in sound. Some people will love it and rave about it as being “night and day”. Others may be more circumspect. There are changes. On balance I prefer my HC2 DR but it is only “on balance”.


It may be the time of year…or Brexit…who knows
But I struggled to sell my 2016 Dr Supercap for £2k and ended up taking an offer for less …it was for sale for two months…
The only Naim items that seem to be in real demand used at the moment are…
555ps dr
Recent CD players !!

Just my observations

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