Naim Uniti Atom + Dali Rubicon 5 or Rubicon 2

Recently got a Uniti Atom and I’d like to combine them with a pair of Rubicons
I am hesitating between Rubicon 2 ( less lows but higher sensitivity at 88db) and the 5s (more bottom but sensitivity at 86db) which I can get for about the same price.
The room is 40m2
Is the Atom’s power to low to bring a punch on the 5s?
Are the 2s too small to fill the room?
Any alternatives to suggest with a similar sound signature?

Thanks to all!

The whole Rubicon range seems like too much speaker for the Atom to me. I’d be looking at the opticon or Oberon range to be honest. Driving ability aside, the Rubicons really deserve a better source and amp.

Interesting you say that, I thought the same as you about the Epicons, not Rubicons, maybe for Opticons what you say makes sense, but I don’t like their sound.
Oberon is too lo-fi to give justice to the Atom though… it’s more like BluSound Powernode level.

Any other brand to recommend?
I heard using Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand SE is a good pairing.

Indeed it is, I had Rubicon 2 paired with Naim 5si, which is rated at 60W/8ohm, as far as I know Atom is 40W. The 5si was kind of struggling to drive the Dali’s properly, I know this for a fact as later I swapped it for a SN2 and then things improved significantly, but I was still not satisfied entirely with the sound. They are rear ported and they demand huge space around them, this needs to be taken into consideration, otherwise they may become very boomy. Rubicons are a beautiful speaker, very well made, but I am afraid there is not a great synergy with Naim amplification, or probably they need lots of power. When I changed the Rubicons for ProAc D2Rs, it was evident immediately there was synergy, sound was more cohesive, also less bright than the DALI’s.

This is getting interesting.
So after researching

  • Sn2 is 135W into 4Ω , 80W in 8Ω
  • 5si is 95W into 4Ω, 60W in 8Ω
  • Atom is 72W into 4Ω, 40W in 8Ω
    The Rubicons are 4Ω speakers, the ProAc D2Rs are 8Ω, both with similar sensitivity.

Since you need double the current to drive 4 ohms vs 8, are you suggesting that Uniti amps pairing works best with 8ohms speakers?

I think you’d struggle with the Dalis and the Atom in a 40m2 room. Ideally you’d be looking at some floorstanding speakers and a more powerful amplifier. You really need to try some alternatives, rather than deciding on Dalis. Focals are a bit bright sounding for me, but they are easy to drive. Something like Aria could work.

So I found an amazing deal for a pair of Rubicon 2s to go with the Atom.
And yes, I had to learn the hard way to find out that they are not a great match… but in a weird way.
I strangely found there was too much “bass rumble”, or boomy as you might say, like if not focused enough, and highs were strangely harsh.

Then upgraded my speaker wires to Tellurium Black II, that actually helped quite a lot in getting a more focused low end and a more balanced high end.
Although it really sounds awesome compared to my old system (was using Dali Kubik), there’s clearly a lack of overall power coming from the Atom & synergy with Rubicons, as if it’s always struggling a bit.

I am considering getting a 150w McIntosh power Amp and use the Atom as a pre-amp.
Would anyone recommend using it as a PRE? Any idea on the quality of the RCA outputs?
Or is it that HiFi craze hitting me when you feel like you can always achieve better sound? LOL

Blind trials and experimenting can be high risk…. In a large room the old phrase of “if you can accommodate floor standers do so if not get stand mounts” is very true….

I run an Atom with ATC 11’s and theory suggest the ATC’s need more power but in my room that combo works very well, losses a little control at high volumes but that’s not an issue in the room I use it in as it’s more causal listening.

The best speakers will always be the ones that match your room.


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I had Rubicon 6 with my unity star and it sounded great. I don’t think they’re that difficult to drive so you should probably be ok with your Atom.

Is it? If you can accommodate a stand’s footprint you can accommodate a floor stander.

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