Naim uniti atom hickups when streaming

Hi there,
New to post over here, but reading all the time. I am now posting for the first time.

I recently own a uniti atom and I have a Qobuz account. No problems at all using it within the naim app. Perfect.

The problem that i have concerns streaming with Spotify connect with spotify app via the naim app. Also chromecast built inn streaming with other music with qobuz or spotify has the same problem. The problem is that every once in a while there is a hickup in the music. So hust 1 or 2 seconds. It is there every time. I am running the most recent software etc.

I always use everything via naim app. I have a utp cable connected and also replaced this. Also tried with wifi. So i am really out of option and dont know what to do next.

Does anyone have this problem or can give me any advice or direction? Thanks in advance!

Have you tried a reboot of the system, holding the power button for a few seconds and then turn on again so that the system boots. And see if that’s changed anything?

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I suddenly have no issues anymore. I dont have spotify anymore, so only could test it once or twice. Problem seems to be solved out of the blue. Thanks for your reply.

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