Hey everyone. I recently upgraded my Atom to the Nova. Now speakers. I am tossed on SF Sonetto V’s or Dynaudio Evoke 30s. I have a REL S/5 that will be used in the system. Can you advise what direction you would go or went?
I faced the same decision - i.e. what speakers to pair with my nova. After demos of spendors, kefs, dynaudios, neats, I chose Neat Elite Classics and never looked back.
One thing that surprised me from the demos was how wildly different the presentation can be from speaker to speaker.
Good luck in the search. Its a nice challenge to have.
I have a Nova with PMC 25.21s and they work really well together. @HungryHalibut has the same combo (although he has the 25.21i’s)
Plenty of choice out there, ATC worth a consideration along with other brands mentioned.
The challenge with recommending speakers is they interact with the idiosyncrasies of our individual rooms differently….
Find a good dealer and listen to a few and then do a home demo. It’s a process worth going through to get the sound you want.
Yeah Ive heard of those and sadly not available here. My dedicated room 12x13x12.
I use Vienna Acoustics Haydn, which are not so well known in the forum. In a direct comparison, I liked them better than Sonus Faber Sonetto (with UNITI Atom and Nova). Each manufacturer has its own sound signature and there are big differences. I would recommend a home demo. It’s always a question of how the speakers interact with the room in question. If you have a small dedicated room, bookshelf speakers on stands are a good choice. Large speakers can quickly be too much in small rooms. In a dedicated room, you can also experiment better with speaker positioning. This is a big advantage and makes a big difference. In my room (17 square metres), positioning 1.70 metres between the rear wall and the front of the speakers is ideal. The sound stage is much wider and deeper than close to the rear wall. Many speakers need air around them. Trying out different speakers in your own room is definitely worthwhile. You will be amazed at what a great result you can achieve in the end.
Nice set up. I ended up going with Dynaudio Evoke 30 and will upgrade later to Borrensen X2s.
Dynaudio Special 40s or even better Dynaudio Heritage Specials (if you can get a pair: limited production to 2500 worldwide).
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