Naim Uniti Star Popping sound between CD tracks.

Hi all.
I have a Uniti Star that i purchased less than 12 months ago and have noticed that there is a loud electrical popping noise between CD tracks.
Now having looked on line i have found several references to this issue including a thread on this forum in june of 2022.
I sent my system back to the retailer with a view to having the problem looked at. They seemed unaware of the fault.
I have since seen an email from Naim referring to my faulty Uniti Star.
This is part of what they said

"… I can confirm that our software team are aware of this issue and are working towards a fix which will be release in due course.

The issue is a popping sound heard at the end of a track, before the next one begins, on the Star during CD playback.
Our testing was completed with Star + SSD. The issue shows itself when there is a connected SSD/HDD and server mode is enabled.
The issue does not show when server mode is disabled - I apologise for the inconvenience caused to this regard…"

Other than a vague statement about an intention to find a fix at some stage in the future, i was a bit disappointed to hear that Naim can offer no solution to what is clearly a fundamental flaw with their product. They are still eager to take from a buyer over £3000 without mentioning the CD fault.
Has anyone else experienced this problem, and what has been your experience with Naim when the matter has been brought to their attention?

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