Naim UnitiQute 2/Unitiserve

Hello I’m new to Naim products and recently acquired a UnitiQute 2 and unitiserve. They appear to be fully functional and the sound is what my wife and I are after. We’re older empty nesters who would like to set this system up but are having some connectivity issues where should I turn

Perhaps it might help if you indicate what connectivity problems you are having. There might be internet problems (it’s that long since I used a UQ I can’t remember if internet connectivity is even possible! But it should be possible for the unitiserve for metadata looking up on new rips I guess?) or the unitiserve to the unitiqute, or the unitiqute to speakers etc

I had both of these a number of years ago, both connect to internet. The UnitiQute2 has wifi but in my experience you need an ethernet connection to avoid constant drop outs.
As @TimOopNorth says it would be helpful to outline the problems you’re having, there are a number of experienced people on the forum that can give advice. Also use the forum search function to see if any of the issues you are having have been discussed/resolved before. There are also manuals for both units online that might prove helpful. Given the age of both units you perhaps didn’t buy from a Naim dealer, if you did that should be your first port of call for help. Good luck.

Where are you?

I’m in Columbia SC. The issue I’m having is the UnitiQute 2 will not connect to my WiFi. So I did hard wire/ Ethernet cable it. Now how do I get the Unitiserve to connect or should I try to connect via WiFi or Ethernet with it as well

Connect with ethernet.

These units were produced back when Naim used to provide proper manuals for their products. If you don’t have them, you should be able to find pdf copies online. They are inevitably not very exciting to read, but the majority of questions will be answered in their pages, so I suggest that is where you should start.

I’ve read the manual for the UnitiQute 2 several times. Followed directions step by step. Still not connecting which is why I joined the forum. In fact it seems that other members/owners have encountered similar issues. I’ll go back to step one

At what point does it fail? I assume you get to the end but it doesn’t show “connected”.

I’ve sometimes wondered why Naim used flatfish in their example.

It’s a nod of respect towards you HH!

Hi AfamTClay
I have had a Unitiqute2 since new (discounted run out one from 2017) and yes it does work better with hardwiring as the wifi connection is a tad flakey.
Afraid not familiar with the UnitiServer so will not be of much use there as run th UQ2 straight into some '80s Mordant Short MS10 bookshelf speakers in a study as a second system.
I have run the UQ2 on older copper and more modern (400kbps) full fibre to the house internet and now don’t get any dropouts.

Did you get your connectivity problem sorted as seems 6+ weeks gone by?

(PS If you have not picked up from forum yet, the UQ2 has a display that burns out if on all the time so do set so that auto turns off after 10 seconds of use).

Rob (Buckinghamshire, England)

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