Naim XS3 for PMC twenty5 22i

First time poster here. Thanks for the add.

I live in Australia where Naim is not cheap and TBH my knowledge of it is just by reputation rather first hand at this stage. Nevertheless the local distributor/dealer arrangement is going through a reset and some relative bargains are to be had. Good time to buy I think.

Yesterday I auditioned some PMC 22i speakers. They were hooked up to a Naim Uniti Star. Overall I reckon this is the sound I like. A lot.

I don’t need /want the streaming functions at this stage. One option is to get an XS integrated amp which is being offered at a sensible price. My local dealer doesn’t have one and basically anything non stock has to be ordered in to purchase.

Through the forum search function and other online sources, there appears to be talk of “synergy” with Naim and PMC - I guess I got a taste of this…?

[to provide a bit of background, I’ve had a passing interest in hi-fi for around 40 years. However I’m a music listener not a hi-fi nerd. I also play bass and guitar so that’s my main hobby vocation if you like. Over that time I have had some nice old school stuff, used Quad ESLs, Tannoy 12" dual concentric blah blah.]

My current lounge room amp and speakers are a 5 year old Sugden a21a into NHT standmounts circa 2002. Sources are Rega 6 and a fairly hi-end Rotel CDP from the late 1990’s. It’s a decent enough sound but I think the speakers are not brilliant and the amp does that class A thing well, but it doesn’t sound like Naim into PMC.

Bottom line is the XS3 a good fit for these speakers, or should I be looking elsewhere. NB the Supernait3 looks attractive but is currently more than twice the price of the XS3 due to the local market arrangements. I could also get into pre/power territory but I’m afraid that would be beyond my budget. I’ll keep the Rega 6n and look at other (Naim probably) digital sources later as funds permit.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to some informed views.

I had PMC DB1is, then 20.23s with a Nait XS (+ Flatcap), it sounded absolutely fine. The amp is now a Supernait 2, but I could have lived with the XS. Some will say that you need a much better amp to get the best out of your speakers (250 level at least), but that’s true of any speaker.


I have NAIM NAP 200 with PMC 23i. That is one of the best amp/speaker combinations that i had in a long period.

Also, I grew up on Bowers and wilkins DM6 that were connected to Phase linear 400 from another era. They had bass that was equivalent to earthquake.

PMC are definitley A++ recommend. And better than B&W thesedays. (sorry B&W :frowning: )


If your Rotel has a digital output - being a good one I suspect it will, you could connect it digitally to the Star and benefit from the very good Naim dac. You’d then have the streaming and digital functionality, enabling you to discover new music through Qobuz and internet radio. You say you don’t need it now, but may in the future, so maybe getting it now is a good idea.

Keeping the Rotel would enable you to get a Nova instead of a Star. It’s much more accomplished all round.

I have a Nova with PMC twenty5.21i speakers and it’s really excellent. Naim and PMC is a nice combination. Do get the proper PMC stands, and put the 1/2 litre of atabites or whatever in, as per PMC’s recommendation.


I had PMC DB1is, then 20.23s with a Nait XS (+ Flatcap), it sounded absolutely fine. The amp is now a Supernait 2, but I could have lived with the XS. Some will say that you need a much better amp to get the best out of your speakers (250 level at least), but that’s true of any speaker.

I might add that there is a Flat Cap available at a decent price, which I could get to beef up the XS3, should that be considered an improvement.

I had some experience years ago with a Mission Cyrus II that had an optional power supply, which gave palpable improvements over the stand alone integrated. Not sure if this would be the same with the XS/Flatcap but it could be worth a shot.

Before I had the SN3 I used my PMC twenty5.22 speakers with a Nait XS2 and it was a mighty fine combination. Buy with confidence.


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