Nait 2, LP12, Kans Mk1 help

Ah, that’s interesting… maybe I shouldn’t be so preoccupied with the PSU right now in that case.

I’ve been thinking about maybe the trampoline in the future or, I’ve noticed some people suggest removing the base altogether as it increases the sound quality just as much or more so.

Ah, that solves that then as I don’t think I want to at a phono stage at the moment in addition to Nait 2 one :slight_smile:

Definitely keep an eye out for the MC3 turbo!

Minos sounds good also if better than Hercules when I come to that. Great to know about the button. Not sure about the VP revolution button.

Ah, I didn’t realise the Kans were voiced with the Ittok. Perhaps I should have held out for a LP12 with that arm. I guess I could always sell this LP12 and look for a decent one with this arm if it’s going to bring a significant improvement in SQ!

Very nice! Yes, it’s this synergy I’m looking for :slight_smile:

I feel now compelled to insert a few words here on system matching. It is easy to focus on maxing out individual components, and I did do all that to educate myself on all the differences and what works.

So, what kind of system do you want to end up with both visually and sound wise, given the characteristics of all the components that forum members can help you with.

Kans Mk1s will be always be a bit of a challenge with the Nait 2, as will be finding the correct spec LP12 to make it all work as a whole.

If you focus is on the Kans, I believe forum wisdom is something like 72/HiCap/250 and NACA4 or NACA5 speaker cable (also a difference in sound) works best.
With a classic medium spec LP12 which would be something like plinth, Trampolin 2, Majik subchassis, Lingo 1/2/3, Ittok tonearm and a cartridge of your liking, if Troika then a combination of a Lingo 2 with a matching box Linto phono stage.

If your focus is on the Nait 2, well, then speaker choice is a thing. There is a reason I went through the trouble of having a pair of Royd Coniston R fully restored at expense, a much better combination than with Linn Kans. Any speaker older than 15-20 years would need an overhaul or restoration in my opinion. They are electro-mechanical devices in cabinets, so three aspects to address. With that also Rega Ela speakers or Linn Katans are perfect matches, as are Royd Minstrels etc.
For the source personally I have come to the conclusion that a Rega Planar 8 with Exact cartridge is the perfect CB Nait 2 match nowadays. Fit and forget and even visually appealing together. Or if you like the classic combo then a LP12, but that will be a project with also some trial and error in your room and system.

If the LP12 and tonearm is your focus, I would start there and re-think about all the other items from scratch. I am now also forgetting things like a system rack, your mains sockets/lines, a record cleaning machine perhaps, all the things that together comprise a system. It’s a journey, good luck!


You could ask Peter Swain at Cymbiosis if he has one or could contact you when he gets one in. Peter will only offer you the very best Ittok which he fully tests. Better to it that way via an expert dealer than leave it chance by buying blind.
I have an Ittok supplied and fitted by Peter, I waited a long time for it but eventually Peter got one in and it’s mint condition. Pair that arm with a brand new cartridge and you will be in heaven. I have MK1 Kans also and I know from experience that they need a decent spec and expertly set up LP12 to get the best out of them Also positioning of Kans is critical and the MK2 Kan stands are a must if you want to get the best performance from them.


@Paul6 I think that this part of your system >> Naim 72/HiCap/180 << is what makes the difference in this context between the LP12 and the Linn Kans versus the >> Nait2 << of @theshininglad.

Apart from that I totally agree that going to someone like Cymbiosis if you want anything LP12 related is obviously the best advice.

Thank you that’s some food for thought. I do have some limitations with certain things. There is an element of style with the LP12 and Kans that keeps the marriage happy :blush:

I obviously want to make the most out of it sound-wise though!

This is a bit of a wild card but if I was to replace the Nait 2 with a Nait 50 how would that fit out of curiosity? I just mentioned this on the Nait 50 forum as there seems to be so much love for this new amp. I imagine the LP12 may need to be quite high spec but am curious one the less. I also listen to digital music so the LP12 isn’t the be all and end all.

Want make sure all options are explored before decision time.

Baseboard works with a lightweight table like tge old Audiotech or just an Ikea Lack coffee table with the inards removed.

Tramp is helpful when placing the deck on heavy furniture.

If you want old skool sound then its baseboard and light table but the difference is less than bearing or PSU change.

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The challenge of all challenges. Getting Kan 1s and Nait 1 or 2 to sound well balanced with vintage LP12 and avoiding annoying peaky distortion.

I think this is impossible with some Kan 1s but do-able with others. I have an early pair which have decent bass and no peaky upper mid, but they sound quite shut in and the Nait does help.

I also have a late pair which never work with the Nait and need something like the 72/Hi/250 you mention. Even then they are peaky in the upper mid and some music triggers this.

If the op is willing to give up some funkiness then Kan 2s are much easier to work with.

Either way its a compelling challenge that some of us cant let go of.


I’m currently using Witch Bat Phantom cables. I never used A5 but would happily try.

I should re-iterate that the digital side of things is sounding really good. So yes, it’s a decision for me on how far I want to go/want to spend on the LP12.

The LP12 is on heavy furniture (a Ladderax) it’s very solid as it leans to a double rock wall. So perhaps the trampolin would be a good option.

Unfortunately I don’t have the luxury of a separate listening room.

So much of this is down to the listener, the room the system as a whole that its hard to be that helpful and im probably being too firm in my opinions as they are just my experiemce and you might have a very different time of it. Just have to suck it and see really. Good thing is that this vintage gear is collectabke and easy to sell on if something doesnt work out. Good luck and please let us know how you get on.


In that case please take note of @Paul6 advice and go in consultation with a LP12 specialist like Cymbiosis. Have one built your way, listen for a while and then please report back :wink:


How did you find it??

Back in the day my system was LP12/Ekos 1/Troika into 72/HiCap/250 into Kan 1s on Kan 2 stands. It gave a particular direct line to the music that was addictive, but it was frustrating in equal measure.

The evolution of that system was a battle between preserving the purity and intensity of the presentation while minimising its tendency to be fatiguing. I can’t imagine how that system would have sounded with “just” a Nait. If anything, I felt it needed something better than the 250; more than one person whose opinion I trust has said that the best system they ever heard had a pair of actively amplified Kan 1s on the end of it. I would love to have heard such a system, if only for my education.

I still have those Kans, though I’m doubtful I’ll ever find the motivation to resurrect them.


I had active Kan’s for many years,they are transformed when activated.


I heard active Kans at a show powered by two 110s, and it sounded much better than my LP12 42/110/Kan at home. I also heard active Kans powered by Quantum amps, they were also good. I did hear active Saras with 250s and this was stunning I recall.


I had original Linn converted 1’s for a short while driven by a pair of serviced 110s. Could never shake off the feeling that all those electronics in the signal path were taking a toll on the music. Great sound though - best I had from Kans.

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Little update.

I managed to find a Rega R100 in great shape and have just fitted it to the 774/LP12 an it’s significantly better sounding than the Grado.

A small update but it will buy some time before I take in into Audio T for any further bits and pieces.

Thanks for the suggestion Christopher_M & daddycool :blush: