Nait 2 vs NAP300


The old thread closed so I thought I would open a new one rather than upset another thread.

Curious as to how you are getting on with your dilemma (?) of deciding whether to get a streamer to feed the M Scaler/Qutest into the Nait 2 and losing the ND5XS/NAP300 + PS.

I have just acquired a Qutest fed from an Aries Mini and I am so impressed. It is BRILLIANT. And please don’t talk to be about an M Scaler! Way beyond my budget and I like keeping things simple. (I would like a 0.5/0.75V output option from the Qutest though).


At the moment the Nait 2 is wrapped in a bag and is placed in storage waiting for the new room to be completed so for the past few weeks I’ve added some new items to the main setup and its not complete yet…

Current setup ND5XS2>Qutest>Mscaler into 272/555DR then 300s/SL2s, the 272 soon to be replaced with a new 282 (already have the HiCapDR), this will be my end goal setup except for the below comment.

Once the new room is complete the Nait2 will be paired with Allaes and Node 2i

Future: With the sale of my 555DR I’m thinking of pairing the Qutest with the Nait 2 and maybe purchase the TT2 :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: for the main setup but I will need to demo one first, if not I may purchase another Qutest.

I hope you enjoy the Qutest its one hell of a DAC but I like the idea of sticking with the original supplied PSUs.

And there was me stupidly thinking that the Nait 2 was going to be the main system and the UQ in the other. You have gone completely in the other direction and expanded the ‘big boys’!

Crazy hobby!!

It sure is!!

I just finished putting together my second system with a newly restored Nait 2 (Chris West AVO) fronting my 1988 ProAc SuperTablettes. A newly arrived Qutest fronted by an iPad streaming via Chord CStream USB and connected to the Nait 2 via a Chord Clearway RCA/DIN is absolutely giving me goosebumps. It is as enjoyable as my 552/500/dCS Rossini big system.

The Qutest is definitely amazing vfm. I can get two Qutests for the price of one of my ChordMusic “wires”!



Hi Gregg

Did you go all in for the deep-cryo treatment on the Nait 2?

Yes, the Qutest is very impressive indeed. The other external DACs I had previously were sub £200 and pants in comparison but that was some time ago now.

All the best.

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