Nait XS upgrade

You wife probably knows a lot more than you do, and putting the KEFs back seems very sensible. Ditch the Visoniks, enjoy what you have and maybe later try some better but compatible speakers. It may be worth looking at a Naim streamer and seeing if you prefer it to your Arcam.

Dear Will,

I think this is the key point. I came to the same conclusion after I had my Celestion SL6Si speakers reconditioned with kevlar woofers and ribbon tweeters.

An SN3 may be the go one day to allow more headroom. Though in truth I think this will never happen even if I sell the Harley.

Happy Days, Will.

Warm regards,


So I found myself a vintage dual cv5670 amp. I’ve owned this one before but did sell it in the past. I always kinda have regret it.

Currently it’s driving my visoniks and the bass is perfectly under control. It’s midrange isn’t as magnificent as the naims midrange but its much more better than the denon that i just sold. I just had a look to maybe use the naims preamp into the duals power amp. Unfortunately the preamp out is with the din connector. So no go…

The kefs with naim stay stand-by as second system.

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