Nait XS3 adding DAC to reduce background noise?

Hello Everyone,

I have been scrolling the forums for quite some time now and finally found a good deal on a pre-loved Nait XS3 that I absolutely love!

I noticed some background “noise” or “humming” when connecting my Bluesound Node 2i to it. (on all inputs, regardless of the input I use)
I have read a good deal about fixing this issue by earthing the amp via the turntable earthing knob to the wall’s earth. I tried assembling a cable on my own but didn’t get the courage to connect it as I am really not handy and am not confident enough to potentially ruin my new toy.

As I am considering to add a dedicated DAC to my system to bypass the Node’s internal one, I was wondering if I could solve this issue in that matter? Or maybe some Din to RCA cables from naim? I am currently going out of the node via RCA into the Stream input on the Nait.

I tried with my NAD CD player, without the anything else connected, and the humming persists but at such low levels that I really don’t care about it, but when listening to the Node, the humming is significant enough that it can be heard on some quite parts of some songs.

I also know that the source is for most of you the most important part of the system, but for now, with my speakers and the state of my finances I am not really willing to upgrade it at this time (I am eyeing an Eversolo streamer for the future, or maybe a ND5 XS that my dealer is currently selling).

I will discuss this with my dealer and see if maybe he could offer me some dedicated earthing cable that I would feel confident to plug to my system and see if that could already solve the issue, but I would love some feedback about similar experiences and if any other solution exists.

I have my eyes on a Merason Frerot DAC that the seller I bought the XS3 from had and that sounded lovely with it, with no noticeable hum comming from it…

Please let me know if I am wrong in thinking that a DAC might help me solve the issue or if this could actually atenuate it enough for me not being bothered about it anymore.

Appreciate the help and please feel free to ask me anything I might have ommited from my post.


If you touch the input din sockets at the back, does the humming reduce and/or stop completely?
Also follow the guidance here:

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The Node is double insulated ,therefore has no earth wire in the mains cable.
Its the Node you need to ground.
I cured the hum when i had a Node by making a lead up, phono outer to the earth pin in a mains plug.
I plugged it into the unused sub socket.
Pain but worked a treat.
There is a thread on here somewhere about it.

Adding a DAC will not assist.


I had a similar problem with a 5si and a Squeezebox. The grounding cable as described here fixed the problem for me.
When I added my Eversolo DMP-A6, which is properly earthed, I no longer needed the cable.

If the hum is from the amp itself, that’s a common issue with Naim equipment and something that you may just have to live with.
The best way to ensure correct grounding is to use a Naim source that provides a common ground for the whole system. The DIN connections Naim use are designed to provide this connection. Adding a Naim NDAC or V1 would achieve this, and give you a significant upgrade on the DAC in your Node.
There are of course many other DACs you could choose, and as long as they are earthed properly, rather than double insulated and using a 2 pin mains connector, they may also improve things, although probably not to the same extent as a DIN connected Naim source. This could be a CD player or streamer as well as a Naim DAC.


Dear Robert_h,

I tried touching the DIN sockets with no change to the humming.
I also tried connecting a cable between the outside of a random DIM out and the eathring plug with no success either.
I am guessing I will have to try to plug it to the main’s earth directly as I thought.

Thanks a lot for your response!

Yeah I think I will have to do this at some point…
I’ll ask my dealer if he can sell me a cable to do so cleanly, I have tried doing something myself but given how it looks it won’t go anywhere near an electric socket or my precious amp :smiley:

Thanks Ithaka!

Very good to know about the Eversolo, maybe I will postpone the external DAC purchase and go for the DMP-A6 to reduce the noise, and try it’s DAC at the same time.

Appreciate the feedback

Forgot to precise in my post, but the hum is coming from the speakers, not the amp!
It increases with volume, so it’s not a huge issue at the listening levels I enjoy but there still is a noticeable difference between the muted and unmuted amp while at idle.

Hopefully the earthing plug will solve this to an unnoticeable level :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, do you suggest adding ANY Naim source would resolve the issue, even when listening to another non Naim source??

The wire to a DIN socket outer advice won’t work for the XS3. The SN3 DIN sockets are bolted to the case which is connected to mains earth, unlike the XS3 sockets which are attached to the main PCB.

The earth wire, as @Neilb1906 suggests, should do the job. I’d try this first, but the Naim DAC suggestion should be a good upgrade over the internal DAC in the Node (and provide source based signal ground to mains earth connection for the XS3 too).

Thank you all!

I found an elegant way to “engineer” an earth cable and did as suggested above, connceting the hearthing plug to the mains and it worked a charm! No more humming at all.

I do however still notice some noise even when at IDLE and zero volume, that gradually goes up with the volume but I a guessing this is just Naim’s Signal to Noise ratio being a bit lower?

I never noticed it on my older NAD amp.

I am not trying to complain here, the Xs3 is a brilliant little amp and I have being enjoying way too much these last days, guess I am just nit picking :slight_smile:

Cheers guys for the help!

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Dear Julien,

Are all your pieces of equipment fed from the one power board?

I must correct myself, as you said you had no issues with the NAD amplifier.

Kind regards,

Mitch in Oz.

Dear Mitch,

Yes, I have everything connected to the one power outlet (there is no way around this with my room’s configuration).

I have however tried connecting the amp to another socket via a long cable and letting the rest connected to the original socket, but with no success.

As I said yesterday, the humming noise is now completely gone with the earthing cable, it is just some residual signal noise that I am just not use to. (Only noticeable when not playing any music, so not a hug issue, I was just used to the dead silence of my NAD amp)

I don’t know if this could be solved by cleaning up my power setup, or maybe separating the audio and power cables, now currently all passing by a small cutout in the back of my TV unit…


I’m glad you found success with the grounding cable suggestion. Not elegant but can’t be seen behind the units.
Kept my node for about a year then treated myself to a ND5XS2.
Funnily enough I now run it as a transport into my Technics amp as I prefer the DAC in that.
Best wishes.

Dear Julien,

This does sound strange, as you did not have issues with your NAD, and my XS2 is deadly silent. Noise issues can be a strange beast to conquer. All my power cables are shielded; please see my profile. The amplifier definitely picks up something in the way of noise if it amplifies it.

Even though I have a double power point on the wall, I only use one outlet, which feeds an eight-way powerboard with all hi-fi components plugged into it. I have a second (I think eight-way powerboard) that has active noise tracking for my Linn 12 and its associated equipment). The second Power Point on the wall feeds our FOXTEL movie streaming service and TV, which runs off the back of the double Power Point up the cavity in the wall to a second double Power Point behind the TV.

The second power distribution board (star earth point) is daisy chained off the first power distribution board, which has a star earth point and one double power outlet to avoid multiple paths for earth loops. The TV and FOXTEL streaming box are kept separate from everything else.

I only go into this detail as I am still concerned with the noise that you hear. Do you live in an apartment where there could be lots of computers? I used to work at Hewlett Packard Test and Measurement laboratories here in Australia, Melbourne and to test for Pard on DC power supplies. We had to do our tests at 7 AM before everybody turned up for work and turned on over 200 PCs, which generated so much noise on our mains feed. I believe when the firm relocated to Tally Ho Industrial Park as Agilent Technologies, a separate 415v feed was allocated to the laboratories on its own mains transformer.

I am still curious about your noise issue. My OCD. Though if you are happy, I am happy.

Warm regards,

Mitch in Oz.

Hello Again Mitch,

Well I am glad I am not the only one with OCD here !
I have tried to convince myself that this is normal and that all Naim devices have some “background” noise, but it’s hard not to obsess about it. I am however happy to at least get rid of the humming issue with the grounding of the amp, but that constant Hissss is still kind of annoying me. (not while listening to music as it is not audible then, but if I forget to put it on mute while I work it will slowly drive me mad).

I was also thinking about a power issue, I am using a standard cable, actually the one that came from my NAD, as the NaitXS3 only came with an European plug that doesn’t work here in Switzerland.
Writting those lines I am thinking about maybe trying the original cable with a Swiss adapter…
I didn’t think it would be better to use and extra adapter but who knows, I will try this asap!

I also thought about asking my dealer to lend me a shielded cable to see if it would change anything.

I have tried connecting the amp to a seperate power socket but didn’t hear a difference.
And to answer your question, I live in a two story house with only one upstair neighboor that isn’t running any Dogecoin mining rig to my knowledge :grin:

I was also thinking about speaker sensitivity, as mine are quite sensitive at 93 dB if I am not mistaking.
I will borrow my upstairs neighboor’s Spendor A7s (88 db sensitivity) as he will be on holiday next week.
I am curious to see if there will be a noticeable change or if I am doomed…

What speakers are you using and do you know the sensitivity?

I appreciate all your input a lot!

Cheers from the cheese and watches land,

G’day Julien,

My speakers are an old pair of Celestion SL6Si that have been recoiled with Kevlar Woofers (if I can call 6.5 inches a woofer) and aluminium ribbon tweeters. Efficiency, I was told, would not change dB SPL at 84 dB.

I went overboard on interconnects and power cables as I knew I would never be in the position to upgrade apart from a possible ND5XS2. Therefore I decided to have the best XS system I could afford. I hope I have covered everything in my bio attached if you click on my name.

Warm regards,

Mitch in Oz.