Nap 200 or Flatcap 2 for a 202?

Hi Forum

I have just replaced a Nap 150 amp with Nap 200, for a second system. Would it be advantageous to add a spare Flatcap 2 ,that I have to provide power to the 202 pre, as I think that the Nap 200 only has a single rail supply, compared to the Flatcap 2 dual supply rails. I know the obvious answer is try it and see, but would the 200 be providing a better regulated supply overall ?.



Do… let the Forum know… :thinking:

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I will give it a few weeks as it is , and then add the Flatcap 2 , to see if there is an uplift.



A NAPSC is another ting you could look for & add… :thinking:

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NAPSC before all else.
200 and flat cap similar. You need a Hicap.


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