Nap 250

I replaced my NAP200 with a NAP250.2, still using a NAC202 preamp. I have a pair of Kudos X3 speakers. The difference was instantly noticeable. The PRaT difference was like day and night. Sorry I cannot answer your question directly, but all I will say is that you will not be dissapointed.

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I own both NAP 200 and 250 DR

yes the 250 DR is a better power amp, but I would updrade to 282 before any NAP 200 upgrade.

In hindsight I should have gone 202—>252/SCDR instead of 200 to 250 DR with 282.

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many years ago I upgraded from NAP180 to NAP250 and again I found the difference much bigger than one might imagine. A lot more weight, power and drive to the sound.

Much depends on how you wish the system to look and how deep your pockets are but I think in terms of value for money a nice NAC82/Hicap/250 in olive takes some beating

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Thanks for your advice/thoughts thus far.
Already replaced the 202 with NAC 82 Olive and had it serviced by Class A.
My speakers are Spendor SP1’s however, these have been overhauled and rebuilt internally therefore happy with speakers. Main source Technics SL 120 turntable, once again rebuilt with silver cable and Funk Tonearm.
There’s something about the olive range that really appeals. I really like the looks despite being an old model range.
Delighted with the 82 and wanted to complete my upgrade hence the original question.

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In that case a serviced olive 250 is the obvious choice and a VFM bargain - it’ll be a great system.


There are some nice looking S/H Olive NAP250s on the TomTom Audio website - I suggest that you have a careful look, to see if any takes your fancy. I have no idea how to gauge S/H prices, but all James’s stock is serviced before it goes on sale, so these will be ‘factory fresh’ and as good as new.

For what it’s worth, I have an Olive NAP250 in my system, and I can assure you that it’s a great amp.

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CB Nap 250 is very fast but can become a bit thin. Olive comparable prat but is a little more fleshed out. Reference 250-2 provides much better bass response but stills swings. I have not compared the DR Nap 250 but I am sure it is better still.

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Both 250.2 and 250DR were very, very good to me. Difference between them was rather subtle in my system. In the end, I liked 250DR better and decided to keep it. It sounded a bit more refined with a bit more control of the speakers… Again, not a night and day difference.

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Wish I had known that before sending my 282 from there off for a service :crazy_face: Darran informed me yesterday it had been serviced. Helps make sense of their prices (which I have always found to be in the high side. Except for the 282 which was the cheapest in the country)

I have found that James takes great pride in the equipment that he sells. I think that one of his advertising lines is along the lines of ‘as fresh as when it left the factory’.

He’s quite the opposite of a ‘fast buck’ merchant, and is always a pleasure to deal with.


As most would have known, there is no end to this game. Once you are at 252/SCDR, you might think that you should have gone to 552 instead. Still not too late to go 252/SCDR though :grin:


Since you now have the olive NAC 82, the olive 250 would make sense. I don’t have experience with olive 250 and modern 250 non Dr but compared both modern 200 and 250DR. Generally, going from 200 to 250 of any version will give you more bass and a fuller sound. The 200 will sound thinner and leaner in comparison.

And then the S1!

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“Tested and inspected” is the term they use in their adverts. IIUC they list if and when an item has been serviced, if they know, but I don’t think they routinely service everything they sell. Very happy to be proved wrong though!

All my Naim equipment is from them. I probably wouldn’t use another dealer, as they’re the closest Naim dealer to me, and they’ve both treated me cordially whenever I darken their diminutive door :slight_smile:

I thought that James had all items serviced before listing them for sale on the TomTom site.

My apologies if I have got that wrong.

In any event, I can’t recommend them highly enough.

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They might! I just thought they’d make more of it if they do. My CD5 from there, had a new logo, but not fully serviced

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I suppose that I have in mind the TomTom tagline along the lines of ‘as fresh as it left the factory’.

Every Naim unit I’ve bought from them had been serviced by someone (usually Naim) at some point (2 years, 6 years, 8 years with record provided) but I expect that sending it back to Naim each time, given their throughput, would slow the inventory churn and may well be considered wasteful if the service was fairly recent.

I’ve always found the service record to be a very up front part of the discussion. That provenance is vital for the price. I’ve also noticed that if an item wasn’t serviced it’s been listed as such. All the units I’ve bought have been in A1 physical condition and probably tended to and fussed over by members of this forum!


Not so, in my case, buying from TomTom. Neither my 82 nor my HiCap had been serviced. Am sure I checked this. Not a ‘problem’ - soon dealt with by @Darran at Class A.

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