Its the 552 / 500 combo, they just work so well together. Enjoy as i certainly did once i tried them both.
Then both dred takes its to another level.
From my admittedly very limited listening so far, I would be careful about matching a 500 with a 606. Don’t get me wrong, it’s far and away the best sound I’ve ever heard. But it feels like the 606 are giving everything they’re got to give, but then is that a bad thing…? They had such an easy life before
The 606s are fantastic speakers. Obviously the higher you go with the Titans they will give more. See how you get on and relax and enjoy what you have. They are more than capable with a 500.
I’m sorry to say this guys but remember what your 552 added? Well the 500 adds it all over again
Maybe I’m only now really hearing what they’re really capable of. So much more energy and enthusiasm. And despite how much more I’m enjoying the sound they feel a little smaller than they did before. I guess that’s the grip of the 500.
You know it’s going to improve over the next few weeks. I am delighted and excited for you. It’s an enthralling thread!
No way Stu
So it starts…… I see stu roaming the streets talking to himself and mumbling about the next speaker upgrade to 808s
Poor guy
Just enjoy what you have for a while and filter out the noise would be my advice
In 6 months time he will have the 808s. Know that!
Is it the same thing with NAP500 vs 500DR as in 250.2 vs 250DR or 300 vs 300DR in that the former is seen as warmer, bit slower, more bass heavy and not as fast/defined in the bass area as the DR versions?
There was too much energy in the room. Since I covered the TV the speakers sound poised and controlled again.
I would estimate that blanket to filter a super small amount of energy somewhere up at +10kHz though
Sounds like you need some room treatment
Possibly. I’d say it’s a very different presentation to the 300. A bit like going from 252 to 552.
I’m absolutely loving it though
So ooo just in case I knew of a complete set up of nac 552 dr and nap 500 dr available, what could I get for a 2021 nap500dr and ps plus a 2021 dr upgraded/service 300 and ps?
Asking for a friend
It’s all new and different. Just relax and enjoy the music. Live with it for 6 months and then see if anything else needs doing. You have just done a massive upgrade and it takes time to bed in mentally and emotionally. You seem like you’re absolutely loving it.
I am thanks. I also think the 500 is probs a bit all over the place after such a long time in storage.
My expectations were totally wrong with the 500, but in a good way.
I under estimated it. I thought everything after the 552DR would be a minor upgrade. Delighted to be proved wrong.
Yes, I experienced the same thing with my Jean-Marie Reynaud Abscisse speakers.
When I switched to the Magico S3 MkII it was a revelation! These speakers are really transparent.
Speakers make a massive difference.
They are at the end of the chain. They either let everything through, if they are very good, or they don’t let everything through and even colour what you hear.
I don’t know about Kudos speakers.
In my case, the Magico’s allowed me to really hear what a complete 500DR system is capable of.
The Jean-Marie Reynaud Abscisse were a real bottleneck…
It’s gonna take a few weeks to come on song. The thing is with these things you have to be cautious about spending more on speakers and everything else. You got the 500 and effectively it has only cost 2k after sale of 300. Going for 808s or changing out very good speakers isn’t necessarily affordable. Just take your time and be cautious.