
I see the price of a new NAP500DR is about to increase by another £1,000 on 1 September, so if you can get a used one at a great price, even non-DR, I reckon you should go for it.

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OH the pressure is on :joy: ATB Peter

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Can you guess which way I’m leaning on the 300DR V 500 shoot out…

What’s the prize? :blush:

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Wow that’s an incredible price

Traded in my 300dr against it and was happy with the deal, but as said only the 500 amp had been DRed and the power supply left untouched, but then i guess it didn’t need servicing at the time (2016) and probably not needed even yet, but i changed the caps just to be on the safe side

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Can’t wait to find out :grimacing:

Looks like a repair to the head unit. I have two service sheets - one for head and one for PS. There are parts other than the bead tants on my NAP 500 sheet. The work was described as Service Band 10.


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Haven’t you bought a 500yet?

In my book there really is no contest even with a non DR 500. You will need a Powerline and I guess it’s worth planning on the DR upgrade as soon as Naim resume these if the 500PS hasn’t been serviced.

It takes a bit of patience to get a 500/552 working. I already had the Full SL. The boxes need space between them. The mains does matter including a really good power block. The end result is bass mids and highs to die for. The sound stage is forward and massive meaning nothing is lurking in the background hard to hear and place. It’s pure music that constantly amazes.



Well, you know, I’m still weighing it up. Pros and cons, that sort of thing.

It depends on where you want to end up. If a 500 is good enough for you then this is the one to buy. If you hanker after a 500DR then I would leave this one. There is no one that can tell you if a 500 will be able to be DR’d in the future, near or far, nor if it can be done at what price that will be or how long it will take. For me that is too many unanswered questions if you want to go to a 500DR eventually. Naim has effectively reduced the demand for pre owned non DR kit. That and the price rises taken together.

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Thanks Bruss. It’s somewhat irrational but a 500 is accessible today. Thoughts of a DR can wait until tomorrow. Or the next day…


Its not at all irrational if a 500 is what you want. I would jump at that one. I have been thinking long and hard about a 500DR and would have gone for a 500 of that background and price as a stepping stone before the no DR news and price rises. I have decided that I will one day go for a 500DR and have decided to wait and put up with just a 300DR for a while longer :slight_smile:

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There was a 500PS on the same RMA & it was fully serviced. Serial 172400.
I expect the owner at the time requested the old parts back - rare, but some do ask.



Excellent thank you Neil, very much appreciated.

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NAP500 incoming :grin:


@NeilS would it be possible for you to PM or email me a copy of the job sheet? I did request from the factory by email but it came back as no record found.

Given that the unit will be good for a few years yet I think there’s every chance I’d get it DR’d when the service becomes due. Hopefully Naim will be offering it again by then :crossed_fingers:

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You wont last that long, as you are already talking about it and haven’t even got the non dred 500 yet.
You already know how much better a DRed 500 is, i still think you would be better holding back as a DRed 500 will come along and it will save you thousands in the long run and stop the upgrade want.
Just my advice