Narcom for 282

Could one of you helpful people please assist me in identifying which Narcom is in the picture and tell me if it is the correct one to be with an NAC282 (and what the differences are if it is not the original one?).
The 353— serial number makes this 282 a 2013 model.
I am the second owner and a potential purchaser has suggested that it may be a Narcom 3 off an older amp.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 182704

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Yes, that looks like Narcom 3. It’s a bit dated for your 282 but will work fine. What’s the issue, it’s still compatible. Are they seeking a discount? You can use Narcom 4, 5 and 6. Most can be bought online.

But It’ s older and no match with your 282

That’s an older Narcom (2) that would have come with earlier NAC282s, but not as late as 2013. By then Naim were using the Narcom 4 “Stealth” remote handset as shown here, or maybe even a current Narcom 5.


Thanks Dan. At this point I’m not sure if they are genuinely concerned, or looking for a discount, or just being ‘helpful’ to other potential purchasers, but it’s interesting to know their observations may be correct. I had no idea and I never used it, as the little DAV V1 remote did everything I needed on the 282 (i.e. volume).

Thanks Richard, Do you know if they are functionally much different (for people other than me who don’t just use the volume and display buttons).

They are functionally pretty much the same, as the earlier Narcom had to be able to control all the functions on the NAC282.

Maybe you should! You will only have more issues to resolve with the buyer if it doesn’t work. Old remotes sometimes die.

FWIW, I reckon the current Narcom 5 is my favourite of all, and the short-lived Narcom 3, which only came about due to the sudden ceasing of supply of the long running Narcom 2, is my least favourite.

This picture posted by member @suzywong on an earlier Narcom related thread shows four old Naim remotes. The first on the left is for a CD3, the two in the middle are earlier Narcom 2s (there were differences in buttons, colouring and logo throughout the Narcom 2’s long life), and the one on the far right is the short-lived Narcom 3.

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I should have been more precise, I did not use it day-to-day, but only to keep the batteries good, to check that it works fine, and to do occasional setting that the other remote couldn’t (like set the display to auto turn off).

And now with having a NAT05 in the system, the Narcom 3 is the one the one I use. :grin:

(If anyone asks, the logo on the mouse mat is for Razer Inc. - it lights up and cycles colours in sync with my mouse & keyboard. Yes, I know it’s sad, but I have to have something to keep me amused in my retirement! :laughing:)

Narcom 5 on left. Right one is for 52. Very nice!

I’ve had the 2, 3 and 5 but not the 4! For me they have all done the job. I had the Flash one for the CDS2, but was a bit much! The 2 and 3 were very good. I don’t use the 52 one pictured as it’s too nice!

I also have an early 52 remote but it’s missing the front end cap and unfortunately they never come up on eBay. Also, it fails to operate when the ambient temp rises to 25C or over (dry joint?) otherwise it’s fine. What I love about it is it’s chunky looks and weight :blush:

Thanks everyone. Of all those, I think I like the look of the little CD3 one best (which I also have, but sold the matching Nait 3R one), but it’s good to have a better understanding of them all.

That 52 remote looks in fantastic condition Dan!

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It’s a rather beautiful remote and a beautiful 52. That’s why I don’t use the remote. I use a Narcom 5 with it. Now the 52 is the only Olive box I have.

I think the Olive stuff is better made than the Original Classic stuff. Too bad I have gone down original classic stuff.

All the Olive boxes I have had have beautiful front panels and the Naim logo was gorgeous.

I love the original classic stuff too. But I still think Olive looks the best!

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