NC 250 vs Ear 534 shoot out

In my case I use only one speaker ( x2 of course), and would have 2 amps. But I have only 1 set of speakers cables. I would need another one, if I understood well.
If it’s that, then it would not be possible. My speakers cables cost 6k ( 6m). Not prepared to invest 6k more.

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You would need an additional 2 sets of speaker cable.

Configuaration would be
Speaker cables Amp A to switch
Speaker cables Amp B to switch
Speaker cables switch to Speakers

I use Witch Hat N2 from 500DR to switch
Cheap speaker cables AV amp to switch
NACA5 switch to Focal Sopra 2s
Linn K20 switch to Focal 936s.

So I have 4 sets of cable. You only need very short runs from amps to switch.

Anyway it’s all hypothetical. Needless to say my system has alot of cables!

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Do you have one ear pre, and the other ear post.
This will be causing you some problems

No problem, I use that twice a week :grin:

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Or, or, you could have a new set of ears fitted. Naim ears? Or EAR ears?

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Always a Joker in the pack eh ?


Got to enjoy our enjoyment of music!


Received and connected to Ifi dc blocker between the Ear amp and power cord.
Maybe it’s my imagination, but the bass seems to be tighter. Noises are quite inexistant in the speaker ( only heard if my ear is touching the speaker) and transformer hum of the Ear is lower.
Let’s see tomorrow during lunch time period.


I’m glad the Ifi seems to be working for you frenchrooster.

Swapping between 2 power amps for an occasional change is a valid option that can be cheaper than one better amp ‘to rule them all’ (I do it with a solid state with RCA’s and a valve amp with balanced XLR’s). I see above (I think from N-lot) that it might be fine to leave both connected, just being careful to never have both power amps on at the same time. I have not been doing that, but now may be brave enough to try it.

I have not gone so far as to put in speaker cable switching like Dan has done. That may depend on how often you would want to swap over.

IMO, choosing the best of two amps is not necessarily a constant, as it can depend on what you are listening to. I tend to choose different music when listening to each amp to better suit their differing qualities.


The issue with the noise is perhaps not an issue. I have to touch the speaker with my ear to hear something. Apart on Saturday lunch time where it’s more present.
The idea of having 2 amps is interesting but I am not sure yet. For now the Ear amp is not fully run in, as the powerblock. The bass is already tighter and not lacking vs the NC 250.
As for prat, it’s for now concerning very few albums, maybe 5 or 6.

The second thing is that I won’t be able to take the Dan’s switch, because I would need another set of very expensive speakers cables ( 6k).

So I take my time and will see how the Ear 534 will grow on me. Not disappointed so far.


I wouldn’t have two power amps. My cables are relatively inexpensive. I am running cheaper cables for AV amp and Naca5 and Witch Hat N2 for 500DR. If I had £6k cables I wouldn’t consider a switch system. My system enables me to swap between AV and main system. And room to room. I chose Linn K20 for conservatory as they are long runs and it’s used occasionally more for listening to music in the garden in the summer. Or if I have a party!

Switching speaker cables out between two amps is impracticable and again I would not do that. There is the risk of causing damage unless the cables are easily accessible and off racks. Otherwise you will need two sets of speaker cable and change it at the speaker end. Will involve powering down and so on.

Just choose one. Is there any rush? It must be very difficult if you like them both alot.

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The Ear 534 had won finally my heart. It has opened and gained another prat increase.
Sit on a butcher block, under Finite Elemente cerabases, and Isoacoustics Indigo bronze under the chassis.
So rich , colourful, free and involving sound, with nuances i hadn’t before. My feet are tapping, so the prat is really there.
As i listen longer, it says something.

End game would be with an Nd555 and second ps and better speakers. But no rush and money for now.


I installed recently a new rack to accommodate my Ear 534 , with enough air above.
I had to reconnect all the SMPS and cables to connect the tv, router, Apple TV, linear ps ….

I went to verify today if the noises in the speaker are still there. To my surprise, all the pop pops and stridency disappeared. Nothing.
Just a very very little transformer like noise, but I have to concentrate and touch the speaker with my ear to hear it.
The mains ? Something was touching something before ?
A total mystery.

The new rack gave a nicer look and the cherry on the cake with it.


Noise coming from Rega and boxes above it maybe? You have a WIFI router just behind the rack?

Is there a reason why you have installed the amplifier sideways?

Maybe the Rega ps, but even switched off, the noises were still there.
Maybe one XLR cable touching the metallic part of the Fraimlite ?
Can’t say.

Cables length ( XLR from the Ear 912 , only 1m).

Maybe you could stretch them.

Fortunately I even prefer the look at it is. Not found of grey facia.

Wow a blast from the past, Stretch Armstrong