NC 250 vs Ear 534 shoot out

I removed the Ifi Dc blocker on the amp, to try. The treble appeared a bit more bright and aggressive. Then listened again with my ear touching the woofer: I heard the pop pops and stridency again, but this time less pronounced, quite inaudible but present if I concentrate.
So the Ifi stays. The sound with it is smoother, I didn’t observed a decrease in dynamics. If they exist, I would have to make a longer comparison, but it’s not worth, as the benefits are not subtle and I don’t see apparent coins after having compared 4 tracks.

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I shudder to think what you use that thing for.

Put the removed shelf back and place the 912 there?

The rack is not an audiophile one….
And the main thing was to have enough air above the 534 amp.

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