NC and SL Interconnects?

How did you get on with the SL interconnect?


Things took a step backwards when I replaced the SL interconnects with the standard ones so I’ve bought them. As I said above, sound was more natural and open with more realism e.g. on female vocals.
Looking to demo some SL speaker cables now. This is complicated because my existing cables run under the floorboards.

Could be worse, you could be trying to run NACA5 under the floor! I did it with Super Lumina a few years ago and it was easy enough as I had to lift some floorboards anyway and SL is reasonably flexible.

There’s a definite synergy between SL interconnects and speaker cables. I found it with my OC system, hence my initial interest in testing the SL XLR interconnect with my existing SL speaker cables. Sure enough, it continues to exhibit itself with the NC 200 series, only more so :astonished:.

And, as ChrisSU says, SL speaker cables are pretty flexible……

Resistance is futile, I sense a full loom in the not too distant future. Always worth keeping an eye out for some pre-loved SL too, they do turn up from time to time.


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