NC Front Display - Query?

I’ve had a good search for this but can’t find an answer, just thought I would throw it out there see if I’m missing something…

With my NS333 normally I have it set to auto shut down ‘never’ and I don’t have the front display on during playback.

I noticed an anomaly when I first had it, but I’ve come across it again this last few days:
If I have it set to auto shut down ‘never’ and then check the option to show display during playback, it shows album art or station info, which is correct.
But then when I change the Input to say ‘Digital 1’, as there is no signal, I would anticipate this digital 1 display switching off after a short period of time.
However it does not, remaining on indefinitely.

Is this expected behaviour or should the display go off after a period of time?
I read somewhere a time period of 20 minutes and then it switches off, but mine just stays on.

Any ideas?

You’ve set it to display on during playback, so it will stay on until the unit shuts down, which it won’t, because you’ve set auto shut down to never.

Why not set it to switch off after say 20 minutes and save some power?

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I think you’re describing the same behavior I have with my 222 which is set to never turn off. When nothing is playing you’ll see the icon of the input selected (or if Roon streaming has finished, the rows of icons). After a period of inactivity the display goes dark, which I’ve always thought of as a kind of screen saver function.

I know for a fact that the system is still powered up because the amps in my speakers complain if they don’t get a signal, so I need to turn them off before my system.

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Thanks Nigel.
I would tend to agree to an extent, however it is called ‘screen on during playback’, and I am switched to an Input with no signal, ie. Nothing is playing back.
In that Circumstance I would expect the screen to go off after a period of time, but it doesn’t.

I think this is a bug as it seems this doesn’t happen in the NC222 as mentioned by @JMC (thanks for your reply also!). (display goes dark after a period of inactivity)

I note your comment about saving power, and I do tend to switch into Standby when I am not intending to use the system for a while, however I still have the old Naim system mentality of always leave system on for best quality if I will be using it.

That is why Naim has added a standby mode, then you no longer need to have the equipment switched on all the time to achieve the best sound.

You are right @Bjorn, wasn’t ever an option in the ‘old days’.
However I still take notice of the manual, no matter how slight a difference it makes (see bottom line):

Although the manual calls out 4 standby options, I don’t seem to be able to identify the 2 I have marked with a ‘?’.
Maybe I’m not looking in the right place.

Seems a bit contradictory?:thinking: I would probably use Network standby with an additional power requirement as the NSS 333 is fully powered in that mode, as they write. It should get the same effect as the line of text you underlined.

“ with an additional power requirement” - only needed if another device ie hard drive is attached to the streamer and needs power, otherwise choose “network standby. This allows you to switch on using the app in addition to the front panel button.

Must be in the app somewhere, nowhere else can it be set. I don’t have one to identify where, but probably under “other settings”.

I would if I could find it Bjorn :wink:

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Nowhere I can find @robert_h ….
And I have looked quite a few times since owning the NSS333!

In Other Settings / Auto Standby there are just the options never, 5/10/20/30mins and 1 or 2 hours.
These are the logical locations of course.

Is there anything extra in network settings?

I wonder whether the manual is simply incorrect? Though this is a fair deviation from reality if that’s the case.

The nait 50 manual states it has auto on music sensing, but it doesn’t.

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Definitely not in there either Robert.
Its a Mystery as Toyah once sang!

I can only assume the Manual is incorrect…

Still, i dont think my screen should remain on indefinitely showing an output with no signal even if i have the setting as ‘screen in during playback’.

You can tag @ 110db next week (Steve Sells) for confirmation. I think Naim are back at the factory on the 2nd.

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Just tagging this one for @110dB for the team to look into at some point when you are back.
Doesn’t seem like the expected behaviour + the mismatch between App and NSS 333 manual.

Thanks, Chris

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Considering how bad the website has been, maybe it’s the same bunch of people who write the manuals…:smirk:

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Ain’t that the truth!!!

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Assuming it is still the same as on Uniti (and manual reads like it), you can switch between 3 states:
Standby - perform a long-press on the power button of the unit. (3+ seconds, I think.) For a computer you would call it „soft off“, since the unit basically is off (including network parts), except it can be switched on. Unitis need to „boot“ coming out of this state, so waking takes a while. (Like a minute?)

Network standby - that’s the usual standby, which is entered automatically by timer, via the app, the remote, or a short press in the unit itself. It stays discoverable on the network and you can wake it via the app or also by starting to send e.g. AirPlay to it.
It usually switches to the low power supply, unless there’s a reason not to. Like a connected USB drive, and I think the „server mode“.

Normal operations - well, just that.


Thanks @PhilippVH.
If that is the operating procedure its a shame it didnt end up being written into the manual :thinking:

My original query regarding screen switch off when unit is inactive still remains open.

Well, yeah, the modes and the default timer to standby are likely a compromise regarding EU power saving mode regulations - even the names for standby and networked standby seem to be taken from there.
Though I do agree, a clear description of the modes, how to switch between them, and how much power they consume would be a nice entry for the FAQ here.

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