NC NAC332 and ATC SCM40a

Hello everybody, here’s a long time Naim owner and this may be the first time for me to post in this forum. I have a compelling question that goes through my mind regularly: does anyone have any experience with a NAC332 preamp connected to an ATC SCM40a active speaker? It seems a sound proposition and eliminates a lot of boxes. Just curious.
I might go for a listening at my dealer when I find the time.
Regards, Patrick


I have not heard this but I think with appropriate sources this would make an excellent system. The 332 is I believe good enough to be in front of SCM50 Actives. The passive 50s sounded very good when I briefly heard them driven by a full 300 system with two NPX PS.

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I have heard the ATC 40s and 50s active with a NAC282 and they made great pairings in my view. The NAC332 is, by all accounts ahead of the NAC282 and has the necessary XLR outputs to make the active connection easier, so should be a super combination. What’s the source?

Heard a 333/332 plus 250 into passive SCM40s - sounded really superb (with no additional power supplies).

My aspirational system now.

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I think that 332/SCM40A is going to be a pretty exceptional combination (based on my experience of running passive 40’s with a full 300 system as well as running 252/300DR with SCM50 and 252 with SCM50A. To me there’s a natural synergy between ATC and Naim - both very direct, transparent and fast/exciting.




Yes, I have.

And what’s the verdict?

NAC 332 can punch even higher.


Those active ATC’s are very good.

I run 40’s into a 552/NDS/555. (Sold my old 300, superlumina connector and speaker cable and no regrets at all)

Great sound less boxes and cables - what’s not to like!


Hi, I am very interested in your experience with the 332/ATC 40a combination. I am thinking about my endgame lineup in the future with an improvement of my actual system (SN3/HC DR with 17 years old B&W 803 S) and a minimum of boxes. Thinking about this combination (with an NPX TT). What are your experiences with the mentioned system and comparable combinations with a NC 250 and passive 40s or other loudspeakers?

Thanks in advance

Famous last words but a 332 with Active 40’s is probably all you’ll ever need …

The 332 wasn’t released when I bought my DAC but I’d definitely audition one if I was looking for something new into my Active ATC’s .As others mention there’s a lot of synergy between Naim and ATC .


For the last nine months I have been running 222 with active 50’s. Don’t think it can get any better and won’t bother looking either!


You would still need a Dac with the 332… oh and maybe a power supply or 2 :wink:


Naim have done a fabulous job with the New Classic NAP 250 and monaural NAP 350. So much so and using loudspeakers such as Focal Kanta 2’s I recently said that even without NPX 300’s the level of grip, solidity and punch that the combination of NSS 333, NAC 332 and monaural NAP 350’s are able to offer is to put it mildly staggering. So much so that it’s akin to active loudspeakers!

I am going to briefly say that in this instance there are two angles of approach to convey and present audio be it from gaming, movies and music. One is linear, clean, controlled, punchy and dynamic and the other a rich, full bodied with grip and power, punchy and dynamic.

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You’re right… I’m out of touch with all the new numbers… Thanks

Naim continue their marketing strategy of making lots of products with similar names to confuse people into buying everything🤣

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