NC250 vs NAP250DR actual comparison

Hello folks,
Am thinking of upgrading my NAP250DR, it’s probably the weak link in my system. If anyone has actually made the comparison, (preferably without other system changes, to simplify the comparison) please could you post your findings ? My system is as per profile, so the power amp would be fed by NAC252.

I tried the Search function, which threw up a few threads with lots of opinions, but only a couple of actual comparisons.

Any comparisons of NAP350 vs NAP250DR also appreciated, although I suspect the NAP350 may be a bit much in my system.

Thanks all

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Your system (252/SC/250DR) looks very well balanced to me. Personally… I would leave well alone.

But… YMMV… :thinking:


You really should compare going for a 300DR with the new 250.


I think a 300DR would sound superb in your system, more resolution particularly at lower volumes.

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Leave well alone Paul

You have a wonderful balanced system


And - due to NC upgrade-itis - there may be quite a few NAP300’s becoming available, pre loved… :slightly_smiling_face:

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A 300DR would be my choice. It’s a big step up over the 250DR and matches perfectly with the other boxes. It would be a good bit cheaper than a NC250 as well, and you won’t need to buy special leads to connect it up.


Having used a 252 with a 250dr for a couple of years I changed to a 300dr this was a superb upgrade so in your position that is what I would go for.

300dr are becoming available at attractive prices at the moment.


I had the 250.2, 300 dr, 250 dr and NC 250.
In my system, the NC 250 is quicker and more immediate vs the 300 dr, with more grip. But the 300 dr is fuller, more organic, with more meat on the bones. The bass has less snap but is weighter.


300DR is one to go for. Or if you want more power 500DR works well with 252. Good deals to be had now.

300DR will be more than good enough though.


Used 250NC £4250 then you need to buy cables.

Used 300DR depending on age £3500 upwards. £6000 for one which is a year old.

So 300DR isn’t much cheaper if at all than 250NC used.

Prefer 300DR to new 250 every day In the week, easier choice does not exist…:innocent:

Whenever you ask a question like this, you can expect personal opinions from people whose systems and priorities may or may not bear any relation to your own. And beware expectation/confirmation bias on new/expensive purchases!


I’ve owned all the 250 from olive to current and the NC is the best of them all. If you like the OC sound and don’t mind adding more boxes I’d take advantage of the lower price s/h market and go 300.


300DR is a wonderful great sounding amp. Much better than 250DR IMO.

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Martin Colloms’ NC250 review in Stereophile (available free online) is worth a read where he makes reference to the previous generation 250 DR.


Many thanks to all those who have replied, it’s much appreciated.

I’ve decided to investigate the 300dr route, as suggested by most, and hopefully can get my hands on a used one to demo. Initially I was reluctant to go this route because it will add another Fraim level, but I guess in the grand scheme of things it shouldn’t really matter. It also means I won’t have to buy an expensive din to xlr cable which the NC250 would need.

I’ll report back in due course.

Thanks all….


Pretty sure a Fraim level will be more expensive though! Sounds like you should demo both, if possible.

I see 4 for sale at auction.

TomTom Audio usually have used Fraim shelves. Have bought a few there.

Worth asking dealers if they have ex demo shelves. They normally do.

Have bought most of my Fraim used, ex demo. Some new.

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