ND5 XS vs Unitiqute as a Transport


Is it worth to replace Unitiqute with ND5XS as a transport only?

Mu current system: Unitiqute + Chord 2Qute with linear PSU + Nait XS + Flatcap XS. Both Dac PSU and Flatcap make a huge difference to my ears. I’ve got good speaker and power cables.

What ND5 XS would bring to my setup? Please advice. Like most I am not eager to spend. I was thinking to get ND5 and get rid of 2Qute. Is that a good option?


Refreshing… any thoughts

You’ve got a couple of options - the ND5XS2 which is a big step up on the previous model or looking at something like the Chord Qutest as an upgrade to the 2Qute. The streaming platform in the latest Naim network players is a far more flexible with regard streaming sources than the older players so may give you a few more options. I’d suggest demoing a few options and seeing what works best for you.

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