Nd5 xs2 Audio Interconnect Options

Hi all, was wondering people’s thoughts who have experience with audio interconnects from the ND5 XS2. I have excitingly just bought one second hand to feed my Supernait 2 Hicap Dr combo. The streamer does not come with the din connector which it normally accompanies it so need to purchase something. Options seem to be decent RCAs or the Naim SNAIC it would have come with and have also seen I think there is an RCA version of the the DN1. Any experience anyone can share gratefully recieved. Thankyou

Naim Hi-Line 5 pin DIN to DIN is an obvious choice. Almost always available (here in the UK at least) used or ex demo via a local dealer. Ideally get a white cardboard box one, the older metal “biscuit tin” versions are going to be a lot older and might present issues with the Air-PLUG connector rings failing or being broken already.


The logical sensibly priced option is the standard 5 pin Din interconnect that comes with the player. They cost about £115 new and are often available used for about £50. Note that it is not a Snaic; a Snaic is a different lead that also carries power.


Did you mean DC1? If so, this is an SPDIF digital cable. It’s no use to you with a a Supernait 2 which has no digital input. I would go for the 5 pin DIN cable that HH mentions above.


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