ND5 XS2 - still a smart choice?

Agreed. However there are sometimes short - medium term practicalities that intervene.


By “structurally” I mean the SN3 being strong enough to take it? You see Hi-Fi units stacked on top of each other everywhere, so I’m guessing it’s fine.


I wouldn’t advise stacking Naim equipment on top of each other. The toroidal transformers being so close will interfer with sound quality.

The weight of one box on top of another will be structurally sound. If kept in place it will mark the units and devalue them for potential resale.

I guess question is why would you do that or want that? I would advise getting a decent hifi rack or as an interim make up some shelving or even have them separate on the floor! Anything but stacking on top of each other.

It’s entirely up to you but these units aren’t cheap and I look after mine by having them on Fraim shelves.


That won’t be a problem! It’s not an ideal arrangement, but as long as you’re aware of the fact that it may compromise sound quality it will work.
Just make sure the Supernait doesn’t overheat. That will depend on how easy your speakers are to drive, volume levels, and room temperature. Also make sure you are not using speaker cables that are a poor match with the amp.

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I hear all of the concerns, and you’re absolutely right, I will have to come up with a plan B. It’s hard to describe but 2 minutes in the room and you’d see how little lattitude I have. The WAF of separates was already low, after she’d gotten used to the minimalism of Sonos…going back was not well received! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Send some pics. We can probably come up with some good ideas for your new system. Possibly cabinet to hide them or some shelving. There is always a way!

If you do you do it, slip one or two pieces of paper under each foot of the upper box so that you don’t get an imprint of the rubber feet on the top of the lower box.

Is your new icon meant to represent the sunrise of a new day in your HiFi life?


You’d be surprised how easily these boxes can get marked up. Great advice from @JimDog. Paper or card underneath.

Enjoy your wonderful new system most importantly.


As divorced guy with many ex girlfriends and now single I don’t have these problems. Hence a 3 stack system and 13 boxes! :sunglasses:


When we were experimenting with nDAC into SU in the office we used back felt under squares cut from a reinforced cardboard box - perfect protection, SU remained unmarked.


Great idea Iain. Best something is in place very soon. It will get marked permanently otherwise.

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Yes the slightest bit of grit or dust will dull the finish under a stacked foot over time.

Vibrations from vigorous volume levels won’t help, like swirling the foot round and round continually.


Good advice, but I use small pieces of aluminium foil as paper is not entirely impervious to any chemicals that might cause marking.

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The main problem is that the Hi Fi lives in a closed back TV unit, with central cutout in the back panel for routing cables through.

The power lead for the XS2 connects at the edge of the unit. To route the lead out of the required hole would mean a hard angle immediately after the socket on the XS2. I would not be happy to have that strain on the socket continuously.

This problem does not exist on the next shelf down, where the SN3 sits, because a slice was taken out of the back panel many moons ago.

I see two options:

  1. Cut out a small hole in the back panel of the TV unit, immediately behind the power socket on the XS2.

  2. Buy a new TV/HiFi stand.

Dedicated HiFi racks are totally out of the question, unless I moved the whole lot to the study, where acoustics are bad and there is no sofa. :man_shrugging:

I got back into HiFi after the Sonos S1/S2 thing. Since then it’s been a journey of trying things, being initially impressed, and finding in the long run that they always fall short of my Dad’s (still operational) 1980’s Luxman/Infinity setup.

I feel like I’m getting there, although space for much larger speakers is probably what’s really needed.

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Maybe a rack that can hide the electronics can receive a lower WAF?


Option 1 - small hole required (for IEC male connector) and not visible with box in place.

Have done same in distant past.

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That’s what I did for my NDX2/252/SC/250. Works fine. I give this a try.

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Borrowed a mate’s holesaw. Job done. :smiley:


Hi, there’s always a way to avoid stacking. Here’s what I did when I bought an XPS while waiting for a new shelf for my Hifiracks Podium :wink:. Or there is always the floor if your cables reach.