ND5 XS2 - still a smart choice?

You need to use 3.5mm jack to jack cable to connect ND5XS2 IR out to SN3 remote in.
And go to Naim app\setting\system automation\ to enable system automation and set preamp type to classic.


Interesting, thank you! What does this do/enable exactly?

(Nait XS3 here with the same “Remote in” jack as on the SN3)

It allows you to control the volume via the app using system automation


It’s a wonderful thing IME

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Listening to ND5XS2 bare this evening on my 52 Supercap 2, 2 x 135s into Focal Sopra 2s and it sounds pretty damned good. Looking forward to connecting it up to NDS and 555PS.

But it’s very good and surprisingly good as it is.

I can see why guys on here just play it as it is.


Just as an aside (apologies to the OP)… how smooth or responsive is controlling the volume using System Automation when using separates compared to something like a 272, Nova, Uniti etc?

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I just found a whole thread here System Automation where knowledgeable forum members lament there had already been so many previous threads on the topic :slight_smile: Learned a lot reading there.


That’s great! Thanks for the link :sunglasses:

  1. More input settings (including amplifier inputs) can be found in the app\settings\input settings
  2. By enable above settings, we can select both ND5XS2 or Amplifier, in my case, Supernait inputs in the app.
  3. Amplifier Mute/Volume control


I bought my ND5XS2 three years ago and have never looked back…it does everything I want it to.


I wonder would system automation work with an ND5XS2 controlling a SuperUniti? Might ease the upgrade path a bit.

I used ND5XS2 / NDac / XPS for some time with 52/SC/135
→ very fine but a tiny bit on the dark side. But much better than HDX in front.
After upgrade to ND555 in main system, ND5XS2 / NDac / XPS feeds nait 50 plus n-SAT…
Now way selling ND5XS2 … a GREAT streamer!


2 high caps, nice choice.

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Hi all

I’ve owned the nd5xs2 for a while now on a very revealing system but balanced at the same time. Instead of upgrading to the ndx2 which then means more upgrades etc I was trying to stop so I decided to use Adot system which I believe now makes all the difference if using a streaming system compared to a good cd player which doesn’t suffer from outside noise. This has to be done first in my opinion. I then upgraded that with a power supply which is great. Someone mentioned brightness well using this will eliminate that making this modest steamer excellent. I use it with a melco and again upgraded the power supply all for modest money so adding it all up to compare with a CD player you are talking of around £5500 front end in total, not a cheap system at all. Of course upgrading to Ndx2 will better again but getting the fundamentals right is more important before you upgrade. Bargain


Just wanted to say thanks once again to everyone who contributed to this thread. I’m happy to say that I have pulled the trigger on an ND5 XS2 and hope to take delivery in the next few days, depending on Storm Ciaran etc.


Do let us all know how you get on.


Ours took quite a few weeks to “get there” after that its superb! Seemed a bit lacking detail from the box, but it became cleaner and cleaner with use in a good way

Great choice



Well it’s up and running. A bit fiddly initially because following a firmware update, the app wouldn’t complete the setup process. A glitch in the latest versions apparently. Naim Support now aware.

Is there any reason, structurally rather than sonically, that the unit shouldn’t be stacked on top of the SN3?

Anyway, hopefully I get a chance to give it a proper listen over the next few days, and noted re the need for a bit of a run-in period.


Apart from any effect on audio performance, you will limit the cooling of the Supernait which may cause it to overheat.

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What do you mean by structurally?
If you can separate the units and not stack them, it’s really better for sound quality. It’s a bit sad to buy such expensive boxes and not profit of all their sonic capabilities. Not ?