ND555 + 2 x 555PSDR

Did I imagine it or did I read the 555PS price is not going up in Sept ?

Its the PS, plus the burndy, plus the frame level…are the accessories going up too?

I am struggling to plan what to upgrade first. My 250DR to 300DR first or better speaker than Dynaudio S40. Or this 2nd PSU first :thinking:.

The 300 upgrade will make you think you’ve also upgraded your speakers ime.



I see. I kind of thinking to want to squeeze out 250DR with a more sensitive speaker as much as I can :sweat_smile:. Currently planning to hear Stenheim Alumine 3

I found the 300DR a big upgrade over the 250DR when I auditioned them.


Oops, yes you’re right. The CD555PSDR remains at £8,499 after 1 September. The burndies are supplied with the ND555 (you need two even if you’re only using one PS). I’ve not seen a new accessories pricelist, well not yet anyway.

Unfortunately, only one burndy is supplied with the ND and a 555PS doesn’t come with a burndy. You have to allow for a little additional spend…

EDIT - erroneous comment, please ignore !

That’s odd because the ND555 needs two burndies whether connected to one or two power supplies. Mine came with two burndies, as did my NDS before it. Are you perhaps thinking about a NDX2?

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ND 555 comes with 2 burndys and a DIN to DIN Hiline. Just purchased one last week.


Ooops, of course. Not sure what I was thinking! Extra spend only for a shelf then :grinning:

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My intent was not to push that fast - more a general thing that prices do go-up on these items sometimes more than available funds to get desired items do.

Financial stuff is a line perhaps I should not have crossed and I nearly removed my post - but hopefully it was seen as a gentle-prodding of a probable inevitable. :bear:

In context of the Active system - the ND555 needs the second supply or the bass is not right at all.



You’ll see I corrected my post six posts up. The CD555PSDR price doesn’t appear to change on 1 September, but with inflation forecasts as high as 19%, I can’t imagine it will be long before there is a price revision.

No problem DB.

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I hate all those naim boxes - my max is 3 — the CDS3, the XPS2DR and the XS2. When I sell the CDS3+XPS2dr I will be ack to in the blissful state of 2 boxes.

You mean PSUs per source, don‘t You?


Feeling quite pleased now about getting my second one as a used item just under a year ago!





the number of boxes I use is 2-- a CDS3 cd player and the XPSDR that powers it. Also, I have another box, the NAIT XS2 which makes 3 altogether, I think.

[quote=“3401, post:55, topic:24897”]. When I sell the CDS3+XPS2dr

DON’T under any circumstances do it :astonished:

“DONT”? why not ?