Nd555 connecting 2 555ps

Getting second 555drps tomorrow want to make sure I hook it up properly.
Burndy with 2 green stripes is analog - connect to analog receptacle #2 on nd555 and connect to input 2 on ps.
Burndy with 1 red stripe is digital - connects from digital receptacle #1 on nd555 and connects to other ps on #1 receptacle.
This sound correct?
What kind of improvements should I expect?
Blind purchase as mentioned in another thread
And yes I have read old forum posts and it wasn’t clear to me


You’re pretty safe as you can’t connect them incorrectly. Each Burndy has a unique pin configuration for each socket.

The benefit of using two will be easy to hear. Timing is better, along with instrument timbre and clarity. Instruments sound like real instruments, you start to get the musical cue’s that tell your brain it’s a real sound. Also, because of the better timing you seem to get a level of tension build in the music.



I don’t look at the marker. I look at the PIN number before insertion.

I bought mine blind when a pre loved unit at a decent price came available at my dealers….it never went back.


Fortunately my dealer plugged my second PS in as I was unaware of the difference.
Have to say the addition of the second PS was a far bigger improvement than I anticipated.


Exciting - makes a big difference let us know how you get on… :wink:


Anyone have thoughts on the below only talking about sound quality?

ND555 + 1x 555PS
NDS + 2x 555PS

Not tried that…however ND555 was a big improvement on NDS - both with one supply… I would imagine the NDS with 2 x DR supplies would be at least = to ND555 with one. The NDS delivery in my view is more earthy and lush…which is really nice somewhat analog… with 2 supplies it should sound excellent… there was a thread on this… The top end openess with the ND555 is just phenominal with the two supplies (other areas good too)



My dealer always told me 2 x 555PS on the NDS was too much. I figured he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to sell me a second 555PS so he must be telling the truth so I never tried it.

With the ND555 he said the opposite so I did the demo and the 555PS never went back. As others have said, it made a much bigger difference than I expected.


There were some rather good reviews regarding 2 supplies on an NDS on this forum…from what I read it was well worth doing…especially with DR supplies…then of course when you want to its ready for an ND555 when prices come down…(win win :rofl:)


i can advise to try…listen for 2 or 3 days (time for the 2nd PS to be hot). you’ll appreciate the improvement.
After that, just remove the 2nd one and you’ll realise how you loose without it…


ND555 is so far ahead of NDS that I don’t think there would be any contest based on power supplies.

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