As Mike S you need system automation activation via the appropriate cable works a treat.
Hi Gunnar, though system automation will allow you to control volume via the Naim App, the ND555 remote won’t do so, and you should be using your 552 remote instead.
System automation allows you to control preamp volume and source selection through the Naim App on your iPad.
You can, however, use the ND555 remote volume control to control the volume knob on your NAC552.
I stand corrected … have just had a look at my ND555 remote, and yes, you can control the volume using it via the “+” and “-” buttons… though I use my 552 remote or the Naim App, via “system automation” for this.
Note to self : Don’t be rushing into print before ascertaining the facts!
Thanks all. I found it. Desactivated the automation. And then came the “volume mode” up and I put it as variable.
But volume knob on the 552 does not move. On the ND screen I see when touching the + or - 100 as starting point. Then higher or lower figures depending on if I increase or decrease the volume
(As I like to listen to music in a dark room I have earlier used the R-com but now I will switch to the ND remote)
Thanks once more.
I really don’t like the nd555 remote - May have given up Too quickly but with the app on my phone / iPad I find it just too fancy for its own good and I don’t want to be standing up and peering at the display. Pretentious even. I have reverted to using the cheapo second remote from the 552: much more to my liking. Am I alone on this? Never heard anyone diss the fancy remotes!
I don’t have any real use for the ND555 remote, but I just lurve the 552 remote, and though I use the App to select choons, I still get a kick out of the sheer chunkiness of it, and the sexy way the buttons illuminate when it’s picked up … but then, I always was bit shallow.
This is the variable sound setting. System automation is different. You have to run a 3.5 RCA cable between the boxes and set system automation on in the app. Then the app and the streamer remote will control the volume. It’s a bit confusing to sort out.
You could check the manual
I just use it to adjust the volume, its a quality remote, though a bit redundant in every day use. I have the nd555 screen turned off as i sit 12 or so feet away…its not much use to me. But the player itself is sublime. Enjoy your new nd555 Tim ,its rather special imo.
I just use the remote for volume and mute. Everything else through the app. Initial i used the “cheap” 552 remote until I one evening in the dark ended up in program mode instead of increasing the volume. Choking experience until I understood what I had done. So I changed remote.
I also love the R-con. The green lights turning on when moving it. And the weight. Impressing remote control.
I will give the ND remote a few weeks and then maybe back to the heavy one. With the volume control now working on the ND remote I am happy and I guess I occasionally also will use skip tracks.
I only ever used the ND remote to turn off the display but the later versions of the app can do this too so it’s now completely redundant. I still use the Narcom 4 that came with my 282 for volume, input/record select, mute, re-centring balance and input assignment. It only occasionally changes any setting by being sat on. My 552 came with an R com, which eats batteries and my wife thinks it will scratch the table, and a network player remote which has a much less intuitive layout than the 4, I’m not sure where that’s gone, probably in a box in the loft.
I see on the app the ND remote can be set to detect motion, why?
Slightly off topic but I tend to use my 282 remote to control my CD555 over the Flash remote.
I felt the same regarding the ND555 remote.
As a Roon user, the remote is only used for volume control.
I also use the “cheap” Narcom 5 remote.
Music is controlled through an iPad.
As my daughter loves playing with the Narcom 5, I’m even planning to use a small 2 buttons remote to control volume on the NAC.
So the luxurious Narcom remote that came with the NAC552 and the Zigbee remote that came with the ND555 remain unused.
You’re not doing it right. You need to ENABLE system automation, and ignore volume mode.
With system automation ENABLED and the proper cable between the ND555 and the NAC, you can control the NAC’s volume control with a remote or the + and - buttons in the Naim App.
The ‘volume mode’ thing is actually meaningless on the Naim ND streamer players. Just ignore it. System Automation is your ticket here.
So `I need a 3,5 mm between the ND and the 552. On the ND I guess I must use “remote output” . But what do I use as “input” on the 552?
RC5 in, next to the Burndy. Looks like it’s an RCA.
I have three Naim remotes around, these being the two supplied with the NAC552 and the Zigbee. Mostly I use the plastic lightweight one (NARCOM5?) which came with the 552. But the Zigbee is useful as a second volume control (system automation enabled) and the pause button is useful if the phone rings. In general I preferred the control logic of the NDS - at least you could select a track or album with the remote.
After a few hours listening today, I have got to grips with the fancy 555 remote now - though it seems a bit OTT just for volume - but also have got the cheaper 552 remote out. Not sure what I will stick with. I think I just need some time to move from the nds, which i had got used to, to the nd555. First world problems!