ND555 now in place

Pretty good. I know that you are governed by Burndy length and dressing.

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I’d try not to put a big power supply so close to your LP12


Left stack plan looks good :thinking:

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Can you swap the the NAS with the 500 head in the middle?


Swap the 500PS with the space on the right?


As I remember it your view was that the jump from NDS to ND555 was not worth the £££?

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Peter Swain didn’t suggest I change anything in my rig. Maybe you can use it as a guide Dan


Shame you are not willing to try it, whilst you have both.


Great looking system. Is there a reason not aligning them more than aesthetic?

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Yes Blackbird the stagger is because I just haven’t the width to get three FRAIM stacks in line. It actually works well as I can route the mains cable well this way. The S1 being behind and on the right is of no significance to me to be honest.


Why, well it’s good to confirm that you have indeed got your monies worth.
Plus as he has both, like i did at the same time, i would be interested in what he thought.
As most just buy said box and dont actually compare both at the same time, and instead go from memory.
We all know that’s not great, as the mind certainly plays tricks on us.

But as said would have been interesting for someone else like myself to do it, as, like i said, no one ever seems to want to try it.
Why is that ???

Anyway, not to worry.
Cheers dunc


I will do some comparisons with NDS vs ND555 for you and the forum. I think you have a fair point Dunc.

Give me a few days and I will change stacking order first. Then this will make it easier to access the power supplies.

And then comparison of 2 power supplies used separately and together.

I won’t add the ND5XS2 back in. It made no difference in sound quality. It’s boxed and on market!

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Need longer speaker cables to do that. But in time yes. Would look better and sound better.

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The burndys will then touch the floor. But maybe worth a try. Like you say if I raise the 500 head unit above NAS then burndys will work.

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Indeed. I’m my rig the top 500 head on the left is fed from the bottom P/S in the middle and visa versa. The bottom supply on the middle rack is actually the Supercap for Snaxo. Stopping the Burndys from touching the wall or floor was a challenge and a half for me but if I can do it you can Dan. Worth the effort then just forget and play music

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The right stack has LP12 on top and is in corner because of subfloor. All that weight on that stack is making LP12 more rigid. It doesn’t jump anymore. The middle stack weight buttressing it is providing additional rigidity.

So there have been compromises.

Lets see if taking the 555PS DR out of right stack makes a difference.

Will order some longer speaker cables to raise the 500 head unit.

Take the opportunity to tighten up any freed up FRAIM levels. I think that we can trust Roy George to know how to optimise the FRAIM


These things get quite complicated. Will be best to get longer cables before I do anything at all.

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Like DarkBear’s tip on placing the components closer to the front of the glass this attention to detail with small changes make incremental improvements. When compounded they become significant and help maximise a top system like the one you now have.


You can’t put the ND555 under the 552? And the KRadical under lp12?

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