ND555 now in place

As picky as I am, here I am doing wrong.
I do not want to have pre and TT in the corner of room. But someday I wich change it building a psu tower on the right.
Who knows … if it will sound so much better. Maybe it will. But I am tired of system building :relieved:

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Give it a try as it is easy to compare - but difficult as you need to use same cables (din interconnect).
Take 2x lavender and you can easy switch between inputs. Same song till 1:30

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I have a Hiline spare. So one will have hiline and one Superlumina. I generally sell stuff on so don’t have two of same interconnects to compare unfortunately.

I will do the comparison. But my thoughts are more on stacking order now that I have one box less and optimising the new system set up.

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Do pause and enjoy!
System rebuild is PITA :wink:

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What’s happened Drago?

You sound like you are exhausted from it all.

I agree, with what we have been through with system changes, constantly rebuilding, cable dressing is alot of work. And these boxes are heavy. Moving them every few days. Powering down, powering up. It’s alot of work and effort.

And sometimes it makes no discernable impact on sound quality.

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Dan , when my ND555 dropped a relay my dealer installed a NDS for me to use whilst it was away at Naim for repair and to be honest after hearing so much about the NDS I found it underwhelming and was some what dissapointed.

The bass on the ND555 is much better plus the increased soundstage as you have noticed.

I found the ND555 much more involving giving greater detail and clarity just so much better all round.


Yes - I really am a bit tired and want to enjoy. Constant fiddle won’t help. The installation of powerigel and new plugs for naca are left and I find excuses not to do. But will do soon :blush:
Enjoy the nd555 and think only about music and the perfect sound. Not about what to do with the system tomorrow

Found cool music „King Hannah - first album of them“ due to reading the thread rooster posted with 300 review. Search for new music and let them in :blush:


Sorry Cohen1263 I think that might have been me and I apologise. Nothing nasty meant by it. I didn’t know you had a deposit on the Linn and had read that you’d had problems with your previous turntables. I thought what I’d heard with Naia and its simplicity might have been a good alternative to the usual suspects.

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I am hammering the system now. At full pelt.

Playing very loud drum n bass Kool London internet radio.

Bass is epic. Soundstage wonderful.

Was playing Blood on the Dance Floor. All sounding superb.


How can music sound so good. I trust my instincts! This set up I have is incredible!


No doubt on that - I think the same right now with very very similar gear


So for me bass is immense on ND555, soundstage wider and greater clarity than NDS. The louder it is played, the better it sounds. Absolutely stonking sound!

If I play at low volume I doubt that some of these differences would be apparent.


The difference you describe is for radio, or also from Nas?

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I have been playing NAS, Qobuz and internet radio. The ND555 sounds superb on all of the above.

Look at new it costs £19k. The NDS cost £8k new. There should be some improvements!

I will do a review and test as objectively as I can.

I am not a hifi review critic but will do my best.

If the NDS is as good then fair enough. And it may be on certain types of music that the difference is small.

I will say that the 2nd power supply makes a big difference to widening of soundstage.

I think a full 500DR system changes things as well. There’s alot of guys on the forum who say how good the ND555 is too.

The NDS has always been seen as close though. It has been seen as somewhere in between NDX2 and ND555 and better than 333 to many. So I don’t think the differences are going to be huge.

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I wouldn’t spend £19k new on it. But £7750 and having the 2 power supplies already made sense and go whole hog and see what it does.

And being able to sell ND5XS2 and NDS and DC1 cable, and powerline if need be means the price difference isn’t that great.

But I wanted it. It was always going to happen. And for me it doesn’t disappoint.

I think Dunc was hearing it and thought this is no different. I never felt that. Out of the box it sounds different. Have you heard it Rooster? Have you borrowed one at all?

Listening to Peter Gabriel IO on Qobuz and it sounds massive. It’s a slightly bigger more dynamic sound than NDS. I wouldn’t describe it as subtle even.

Dunc, are my ears deceiving me? Maybe!

Will do the tests in due course.

I will be honest, I think it will sound better in a few days time.

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Yes, the ND555 certainly does the business on bass, plus the obvious clarity, detail and soundstage. It also excels at holding coherence together on complex music played loud, which will be perfect for your listening habits :sunglasses:. It was that aspect that nudged me from the NDX2 to the ND555. It’s an end game streamer for me, complete with only one manky 555PS :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The NDS was Naim’s reference network player for 6 years until the launch of the ND555 in 2018.

Are you saying that no one who replaced their NDS with a ND555 in 2018 made a legitimate comparison and no one but you noticed that the ND555 did not give better sound quality?

So Naim and the dealers and the professional reviewers and the owners all missed that the ND555 was not an upgrade on the NDS?


Maybe the problem was your methodology.

Switching quickly between the two streamers playing same track might well confuse your ears and brain and not give you time to relax and listen to whole musical performances.

Also, if Dan used a different brand of power supply on the two streamers that would not make a straight comparison.


Switching between the two in real time gives you accurate information of what’s different between the two sources.
Playing one and then Switching all the cables over etc, doesn’t give you anywhere near the same accurate account, as you are now going by what you think it was like, etc.

I also have never seen a dealer do the direct comparison or anyone other than me.
It has always been the one box in, then 5 minutes or so later the next box. Doing this certainly gives you time to forget or start thinking differently about what went before.

The ND555 doing it like this should be easy to hear the difference, as soon as you hit that input button, as all you others can easily tell its much better doing it the box swap way, so directly Switching will easily show the big differences up.

I do wonder why they don’t do it this way at demo’s, it would be much easier to sell the gear on simple heard inpovements ???

I have always said, doing direct is the only way, and the guy’s that say you need to wait for it to hit you, build up vor what ever. Well that to me is more you need to fool yourself into what you believe is better.

This is my view, and how i like to do it. It doesn’t mean you have to, as it’s your money to do whatever you want with it.
Cheers dunc