ND5XS2 consuming bandwidth whilst in standby

Hi All
I was on a work call today and noticed my network was sluggish (we can’t get super fast broadband where I live). I logged on to my mesh network to see what was consuming the bandwidth, thinking it was my son downloading a game to his Xbox, to find that my ND5XS2 was consuming 15 mbs whilst it was in standby mode.

Why would that be? I don’t believe there are automated over the air updates are there?

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Thanks Robert (I did try and search).

That is referencing tiny packets of data throughout the day, mine was pulling 10mbs for a period of time, I can’t say for how long but I witnessed it for a few mins.

My NDX consistently

  • Uploads 10-12 MB a day spread evenly across each hour of the day whether used or not.
  • Download about 3MB a day when not used. Most hours it downloads ~70KB, with every 6th hour downloading 600KB 

I do have a few network filters setup (mostly because I can with an Eero mesh, plus it was as a result of the previous thread mentioned) however it may not be having any effect.

Does your Mesh give you totals for the day? Could this just be a 5 minute burst, that doesn’t add up to much over the day?

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No my Mesh is pretty basic and doesn’t provide that much insight. I can only see what is logged on to where and how much bandwidth each item is actively consuming at that time.

I live in a rural area without fibre broadband so something consuming 10mbs at any time is actually consuming a lot of my bandwidth.

Funnily, whilst using teh ND5XS2 with Qobuz its never consumes anything like that amount of bandwidth.

I suppose you could always disable the device in your mesh app when not in use, but it’s a bit of a faff.

What mesh is it?

I’m can’t remember what mesh it is, I’m at the office just now so can’t check, but it was a budget one.

Also, not sure if I have the functionality to disable the device.