Why would my quiescent NDX2 be uploading 7MB of data per day?

I will look into my router today to see. I will not like that my NDX 2 is sharing data without my consent.

It’s a bad practice any service or device to collect data without us knowing, and that for me violates our privacy.

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You can find the relevant settings in the app under Other settings.

Thank you, interested to see what you find. Some might think it’s not a lot of data, but you can store a lot of private info in 200-400K (will correct a typo where I said 300).

Incidentally I do have Server Mode on, but that shouldn’t be going outside the LAN.

It’s being tracked by its creators in Salisbury.

It’s uploading something, what is unknown to me.

I do not even use Amazon services.

Interesting. Even seeing Tidal using 480K, that sounds like a lot, although it depends on if those stats are hourly or daily or weekly of course

I’ve just enabled “AD Blocking” on the NDX2 via the router, so will see how that goes over the next couple of hours before I try something else

Also I never use the Naim App, I use Roon and only open the naim app for time to time to search for updates. Why is my NDX sending data to Amazon/??

Why is my NDX 2 sending any data to any service without my consent…

I Am not sharing anything and do not have any Alexa product.


No device should be sharing any data without consent. It seems to me two course of action are appropriate/needed:

  1. contact Naim any request an explanation as to what the data are, what used for. It’s probably somewhere in the user agreement but you could ask where. Assuming that is forthcoming, any further action would depend on whether happy with the response. Hopefully all straightforward.

  2. Anyone else with the capability of measuring as others have here, do same on other connected hifi devices (Naim of not) of which people have no awareness of data sharing, and see how rife it is (with same follow up if found to be happening).

I thought Chromecast needed to phone home as part of the licensing agreement which may be part of your upload budget ?

I’m sure @Stevesky would be able to tell you what’s going on…

That would be my eventual aim, but wanted to see if its a personal issue, or widespread first

Thanks @james_n that may be the case, hopefully someone on here might be able to confirm what’s going out. I’ve not touched Wireshark for a while, but hopefully another wiper-snapper on here can :slight_smile:

AWS is used by Naim audio.

Probably nothing to do with Naim.

Somewhere along the line you’ve probably agreed (unknowingly) to allow service providers access to all devices on your LAN.

I’ve come across this a few times, declining to allow access resulted in the service not installing/working.

Oh dear, hope not. Let’s see what others find.

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Hi Guys,

Nothing sinister here. We are too busy conquering the audio world!!

Typical breakdown is:

  1. New Firmware checks - that will be checking on an Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Internet radio logins / connection maintenance (falls under general comms catagory)
  3. Services keeping in sync with the cloud service. eg. TIDAL connect & Spotify.
  4. Google pinging home to appreciate if connected to the net etc.
  5. Usage data stats if enabled. That is summarised into one upload so very minor impact on data usage.

The actual Naim app doesn’t influence this (apart from it can change settings that control the units behaviour).

In the scale of things 450Kbytes is like less than 7kbytes per minute which is nothing for a product which has so many services in it and has to ensure its online to those services even in standby. A couple of “I’m still here” heartbeat messages can sum up to that.

Best regards

Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.


Thanks Steve :+1:

Many thanks indeed, that is comforting to know

Thanks for clarifying.

UPnP / DLNA could be in the mix also, if internal traffic is included in the questioned upload: advertising the presence of the device on the network, responding to “anyone there” queries and providing more detailed device info when asked.

The data I quoted is just the data going through the router initiating from the NDX2.

As an experiment, I have set up a security policy on my Eero router that

  • Blocks Ads
  • Content Filters - enabled all except Streaming
  • Blocked 65 Apps
    The amount of data being uploaded is the same, and these security measures don’t seem to have trapped anything, so would back Naim’s response that nothing sinister is going on.

Saying that I would like to know which sites it’s going to, and whether any of them could be safely blocked without effecting functionality. The data may be small, but it is more than my iPad is uploading as an example…

I do wonder though that perhaps if we saw all traffic going out our routers, we may be surprised at where its going


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