ND5XS2 to be used as Transport Streamer, NDS to be used as DAC

Hello everyone,

I have been through alot of upgrades recently. Focal Aria 936s upgraded to Focal Sopra 2s, Nac 82 swapped out for 52 with POTS 8 upgrade. 4 powerlines installed. XPS2, 52 and Supercap 2 all serviced by Darran at Class A.

I have just purchased 2 used Fraimlite shelves which I intend to add glass cups and balls. Only cost £280 for the two shelves. Amazing bargain.

So, decision made I will buy an ND5XS2 and use it as a streaming transport and use my NDS as a DAC only. The NDS is at Naim at moment for screen replacement.

I have a 555PS so it should sound sublime. The reason for doing this is I want to be able to use Qobuz or Tidal without issues and effort. I have never been able to connect to Tidal even though others have been able to. I find the streaming platform on the NDS slow and unreliable.

I am hoping the ND5XS2 is easier and effortless with Qobuz.

Let me know your thoughts please. And how do I connect it all up. Thinking its just DC1 cable from ND5XS2 to NDS and then internet cable from ND5XS2.

Considered a dedicate streaming transport - Auralic Aries or similar?

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Which Auralic do you suggest?

Aries G1.1 is a similar price to the ND5XS2; the G2.2 is a bit more ‘spendy’…

Both pure transports - the Auralic software seems pretty well refined from what I’ve read (not yet heard or used the kit).

I’m going to be in the market for a full-blown streamer DAC in the new year hence listening to an Auralic Altair v NDX2 v NSS333 in a few weeks.


Okay so looking at back panel of Auralic streamer what cable do I use to connect to NDS. It looks like Auralic use USB type cable from DAC output.

I preferred the sound of NDS as streamer/dac with 555PSDR more than NDX2 used as streamer into my NDS (same streaming board as ND5XS2). I recommend evaluating the streamer of choice if possible into the NDS. It’s not bad of course, but different. I found it lacked some synergy but indeed the new platform is much greater to use.

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Optical or coax digital out as you would with the ND5XS2…

I assume the USB is to attach a server or USB DAC?

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Has anyone had any experience of Auralic Aries G1.1 through a DAC or NDS? Or ND5XS2 as transport through NDS or DAC.

I want the latest streaming platform so I can use apps like Qobus and Tidal. I am unable to that at the moment and can only use Spotify which is good but limited in quality.

Interested to hear what you have have bought and why, and how it works for you.

Do you have a NAS drive? If so, it may be worth investigating BubbleUPnP - I use this to stream Qobuz to a UnitiQute I use in my office. Also, is the NDS connected via ethernet or WiFi?

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NDS is hardwired. I have NAS drive. I am not really interested in messing about with laptops and PCs with complicated workaround options involving subscriptions.

I want it simple. A streamer that works with new app and to use my NDS as DAC. I hope that’s crystal clear. I don’t want replies saying get this app or that app. This subscription or this workaround.

Life is short. I want what I want. This is an important upgrade for me as I find my NDS lacking in functionality. It is my main source and I need to get this right.


I use a ND5xs2 as a transport into a nDAC (not the same as your NDS but close) and it works flawlessly.

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Nice, this is what I want to hear. Why did you go for ND5XS2 as opposed to Autalic streaming transport or other options?

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For me I like the look of Naim boxes and system integration. Having Naim boxes lined up satisfies me whether they be Olive, Classic or Chrome Bumper or New Classic. Incidentally saw a NC250 for £3995 on favourite website trade in.

They are also selling 300DR for £5500 so should tell you something about perceived quality.

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Simple. I wanted to stick with Naim and at the time I’d just “broken up” with a bunch of random gear that tried to do the same thing. Good as it was, the ND5xs2 just sounded better or worked better with the rest of my Naim equipment.

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This is why I thought the ND5XS2 would work well with NDS DAC into 555PS.

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It’s wonderful!!!

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I have considered selling NDS and just going with NDX2 with my 555PS as well. But think NDS DAC is better and with separate streamer and DAC would provide isolation. I guess getting it all set up will be the moment of truth.

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I like your simple system @marcusman. Mine is turning into a huge number of boxes! Absolutely nuts. I am actually considering 3 stacks of Fraim now as shelf height seems uncomfortably high with this new plan.

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Looking at your kit; not sure what ‘system integration’ you’ll get from an ND5XS2?

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Not sure what you mean?