NDac, NAP250DR

I have an ND5XS streamer which feeds a Supernait 2 (with a HicapDR) and use a pair of Linn majik isobarik speakers.

This combination serves me pretty well, listening to iradio or Tidal CD quality music.

Simple question, would adding an NDac between the streamer and the amp bring a noticeable improvement to the sound (in terms of resolution) or just make it different…in terms of balance?

I can pick a late 2011 model up for circa £900 but just wonder if I really will hear a difference??

Bear in mind a pair of sixty-one year old ears too ha ha!

Not planning on swapping my streamer now as Tidal CD quality seems fine to me and my alternative sources (a CD5XS with a Flat cap XS) are pretty much okay too.

Just thought as a cheap(ish) addition it might be worth a punt?

Other thought was to add Hilines to the amp and CD player??

Anybody out there added an NDac to an ND5XS???

Then, on top of that question is…

I might just go crazy and buy a NAP250DR using my HiCapped Supernait 2 as a pre-amp.

Anybody run an arrangement like that?

I also have a pair of Ovator 400’s in the loft I might try with the above combo. I brought them after listening to them with a Nac272/Nap250DR front end (they sounded awesome) but the Supernait 2 could never get down low enough for me (that’s why I’m using the Isobariks that seems to work well).



Oh and would this be the connection arrangement (substituting the 250 for the 200 below)

I bought a used nDac/TeddyXPS bundle last year for my ND5XS - feeding into a NAC 82/HiCap/NAP180. The improvement was substantial. Everything was cleaner, clearer and I seemed to gain an extra octave at the bass end. I have never operated the nDac without its external power supply so I don’t know how much of the effect is down to that. But I would suggest it’s definitely worth a try - it will be easy to move the nDac on again if you feel the gain is not worthwhile.

Basically… yes… With a DIN4 to XLR lead.

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Isn’t that diagram showing a 4-pin DIN to DIN? Where is the XLR connection on either HiCap or Nap?

You just use the DIN to XLR cable supplied with the 250, instead of the DIN to DIN supplied with the 200.


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