NDS Failing/Try Klimax DSM2?

I think my NDS is failing. It just stops playing music at times for no reason at all. Sounds great when working but not reliable. This is in my second system and thought about reducing some boxes and finding a used Klimax DSM2 with Organik and connecting it direclty to my 300 DR. It would replace a 282/Supercap also. Still use a Stageline into the Klimax for my LP12. Do you know if the Klimax DSM 2 converts the analog signal into digital like the new Selekt or Next Generation Klimax does?


I’m pretty sure it does. There’s a Linn White Paper from a few years back explaining why they believe this is sonically beneficial. I’m not sure if I can link to it, but a quick online search should find it. It’s interesting reading whether you agree with it or not.

If you do decide to go down the Linn route, there’s a couple of points worth considering. First, both Linn Klimax DSM and NDS are fine streamers but they do present the music somewhat differently, certainly to my ears. If at all possible, I’d go for a serious audition to make sure you’re happy with the Linn sound. Secondly, until earlier this year, I ran a Klimax DSM upgraded with Organik and then switched to a new (dual mono Organik) Selekt which I preferred. I suspect part of the improvement in SQ was due to the Utopik power supply, standard in the Selekt, so I would strongly recommend upgrading the power supply if that’s not already been done.



I’d get a Lindemann Bridge II and use the NDS as a DAC since it (NDS) is an outstanding DAC. In doing so you retain the Naim sound signature but betters it.


That’s what I’m doing too. Great solution, great sound! :+1:


I like this idea! What’s the connection to the NDS? Ethernet cable from the router to the Lindeman and digital out RCA to the NDS? Thanks!

Yes. RCA or BNC digital in on NDS and off you go. Some claim BNC sounds better as input.

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Thank you!

BNC is the best :ok_hand:


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I had the opportunity to hear a new DSM Selekt, so equipped, compared to my existing KDSM (Katalyst version, not the new one) before and after being fitted with a Utopik and, contrary to the current trend, found I preferred my old KDSM once upgraded. I found that the Utopik makes a much bigger difference than one might expect.

@Dave Do you run your KDSM into a Naim Amp and use it as a preamplifier/digital source? Also, do you have an LP12 with it? Thank you!

No, I run it into a 552DR/500DR. I haven’t tried it directly into the 500, but I’d really like to hear a new KDSM straight into one. I’d “upgraded” to a KDSM from a KDS at a stage when I thought I might go Linn Exakt but was so enthralled by the combination with 552/500 that I didn’t feel driven to change. And, yes, I do have a high-end LP12, with a Urika 2 (oh no!), which enables me to fully exploit SO.

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Hi! I ran a KDSM straight to 135s for a while but found it a bit cold - I liked it better when I inserted the 252/SCDR preamp back in the chain (switching the DSM over to work as a DS with fixed output).

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The Linn DSM’s will pair much better with the NC NAP’s due to the balanced connections.

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