Nds new router password

QQ - I have a new sky router with new password. Before I connect I can foresee a potential issue ….

I use a NDS and Innuos Zenith but my NDS screen is shot so will I a) need to put the new password in the NDS b) if I do need to can it be dove without screen on NDS ?

No issues putting it in the Zenith obviously


I think if it is hard wired via Ethernet you may be ok. I’m sure other more knowledgeable people will be along soon to be certain.

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I would agree with @nitrous .
If you need it wireless , do you have mesh wifi system? If so you could connect your streamer to one of the mesh units via cable.

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Hardwired via Ethernet so sounds like I’ll be ok,

Thanks folks

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Indeed. No password needed if you are using Ethernet.

For others who may later read this thread when they are trying to solve this problem but they use WiFi rather than Ethernet, the easiest fix if you don’t have a working screen on your NDS, or any green screen streamer/Uniti, is to change the network name (SSID) and WiFi password to be the same as you had with your old router. If the router won’t let you do that, then you could just add a Wireless Access Point and use the old SSID/Password on that instead.

Some people have said you can use a mobile phone camera to see the screen even if not possible with naked eye. I replaced my NDS screen with one available online - not too difficult and has worked faultlessly since (18 months).

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Thanks all, appreciate input.


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