NDS Purchase?

I’m thinking about adding an NDS to my second system. I’ve tried a couple different streamers/dac and haven’t gotten along that great. Seems like an incredible value these days. If purchase, am I able to use the same app I use on my phone with my nd555 in the main system? Will it recognize the uniti core I have connected? Would love to stream quboz but seems like a different app is needed to do that? Mconnect? Thanks!

Based on my use of an NDX in my second system my answers are:

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Yes - not tried with current ndx but did with an earlier one

Hi, I bought NDS one year ago and I am very satisfied with it.
Incredible way to play music from files and from radio.
Close relative of nd555 at a fraction of the price.
Same app will work, ok uniti core, qobuz doesn’t work, maybe with external app it will.

Great to hear! Also, a non dr 555PS should be fine as well I assume?

I’m happy with using an innuos zen mk3 as a streamer into the nds, gives me qobuz, the innuos sense app which is superior to the naim interface, and I believe a slight uptick in sound quality. An nd 555 for a fraction of the cost.


Over the years and for various reasons I’ve had an NDX,NDX2,NDS and ND555 in my system all working with the Naim app and Core.

What SQ differences are there between NDS and ND555?

I stream Quboz on my old NDX by using Bubble UPNP media server and the app. Should be able to do this with the NDS. There might be details of how to install it in the Streaming Audio room. Am sure some of the more technically minded forum members can help.


I was using a NDX with a XPS power supply and I did place an order for a NDX2 when they came out with the possibility of upgrading to a ND555 at some point.

After discussion with my dealer we came to the conclusion that it would be more cost effective to add a 555ps power supply to my NDX as an interim measure before jumping up to a ND555 so a home demo of the was arranged for the 555ps power supply.

The 555ps power supply was installed and we listened to a few tracks then the dealer said I have a ND555 in the van would you like a quick listen so that was installed as well. I was so impressed an order for a ND555 and 555ps power supply was placed the next day after agreeing a trade in deal for my NDX and XPSdr.

After about 18 months the ND555 packed up so the dealer loaned a NDX2 whilst my streamer was at Naim it turned out to be a relay fault. I was most impressed by the NDX2 with the 55ps power supply

Some 12 months later the ND555 had a different problem this turned out to be the DAC board so the the dealer installed a NDS and to be honest after hearing so much about the NDS I was disappointed with it, this after using the ND555 for in my system for nearly three years the ND555 was so much better all round.


Still using the Nds, with a Melco server and Innuos switch. A killing combo :+1:
For local files, you will be hardly disappointed. But I recommend a good switch, like the Chord English electric one. Without a good switch, it lacks some prat .
If you stream Tidal, or Qobuz, I would not recommend. You will need an additional box to really enjoy.


I love my NDS with Lindemann Bridge II + Sbooster (streamer) and 555PSDR fronted with Roon + Qobuz. I did prefer it to NDX2 + 555PSDR by quite some margin. No plans on going anywhere right now.

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Thanks everyone! Would a non dr 555 best a xps dr for a power supply? I’m guessing it would.

Yes the 555 is a big step up from xps and xps dr.

I use NDS with 555dr, sounds brilliant and as I have an Innuos server (Zenitth ) the latest update has really improved the sound….

The NDS is probably the biggest value for money box as far as naim goes.
If you are gping to use the NDS and stored music, i think you will be hard pushed to hear the difference between it and the nd555.
If you want to stream then unfortunately this is it’s problem, but easily sorted with the right modern streamer.
Probably get a nice streamer that’s also has storage is the best way to go as others have.

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Tidal works fine on an NDS as long as it has the latest firmware.


Tidal works fine but the streaming side off the NDS just doesn’t sound that great, especially if you compare it too stored music or a newer better quality streamer.
It’s just the older design, plus things have really moved on in that area as far as sound quality goes over the last few year’s.

That’s why one should add a streamer to NDS and use it as a DAC only :+1: It’s a magnificent DAC when backed by a 555PSDR IMO.

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Glad it works for you. But many other have reported instability with their old streamers.

I went ahead and purchased it. I think it will fit well in the second system. Have lots of music stored on the Uniti Core and will see how it streams with tidal or quboz with Mconnect. Thanks everyone!

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I use an NDS with x2 555 psu’s (one dr and one none dr) its a brilliant combo using Audirvana Studio, can stream hi res etc from Qobuz.

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