I’m still of the view that a nice used NDS would be a better option. £3k not 5, by common consent better SQ esp if there’s already a 555PSDR ready to hook into it, and Qobuz is easily handled with a Pi.
Would the Qobuz app sound as good via a Pi rather than be implemented directly on the nds itself, if that was say possible, out of curiosity ?
I know via Chromecast, Qobuz was meant to be pretty ropey.
No idea as I don’t have the means to compare. Qobuz through my Pi sounds about the same to me as local flac files on the NAS with a slight difference, but better or worse, who knows?
Thanks , just curious.
I have had my turntable about 30 years and my speakers 18 years and don’t feel urgency to change either unless they stopped working. Amps also please for lengthy time but CD players seem to invite replacing after shorter time frame . The technology of streaming is changing so fast that I would imagine upgrades being made on a more frequent basis. However you made an important point about attitudes changing due to time of life and could I add the uncertainty of these times. I think the combination of the two is encouraging us to show less restraint when it comes to spending large sums on upgrading.
I love my nDAC but replacing it with an NDS is something I might consider in the future. If I did that I’d do it on the basis of using the NDS as a DAC only, fed from the same SPDIF streamer / Roon end-point I use now for the nDAC (see profile). On paper, the NDS sounds like it might be a worthy upgrade … same DAC chipset but the NDS has the “floaty” board and absence of an internal power supply (which is always active in the nDAC, even with an external Power supply). I seem to recall from forum posts from a few years ago that the NDS might be held back a bit by its streamer board and sounds better when used purely as a DAC (@ChrisBell).
Only slight fly in that ointment is that forum-lore indicates the nDAC prefers a non-DR external power supply whereas NDS prefers DR. If I had a non-DR XPS or 555 on the nDAC and swapped the nDAC for NDS I’d be wanting to factor in a change to a DR power supply.
Just heard my NDX2 is heading back from Salisbury… can’t wait to get it back…
Be really interesting to compare its digital out vs Mac Book via wifi on USB into Hugo2.
This has been a revelation into my Meze Empyreans… cliche alert… I really have rediscovered my music again, heard rhythms, textures, nuanced vocals and tuneful percussion in a way I have never heard before…
So will it get even better with the NDX2 in digital output mode… I hope so…
Should be getting the TT2 around as well… I don’t know what it is about those DACs, I just love how the music and emotion just oozes out of them… female vocals sound like they are in your head, pure nectar… subject to recording… it’s like you have an implant… it’s that good… all the hairs on your neck stand on end… it’s intoxicating.
Goodbye Hi-Fi and tweaks, hello real music and immersive enjoyment.
Though it is surprising how many tape drop outs and tape flutter you hear on early 60s recordings… it dispels the magic for just a moment.
I know… I’ve been running my new TT2 directly into my PMC 25.22’s and it’s all sounding great. Getting a hold of an M Scaler on Friday to see what that adds!
I’ve asked this before but how on earth do you assess the changes in performance over 9 months. Play the same piece say weekly and make copious notes?
Well, i think that is a rather negative way at looking at things. Naim gear tends to go up in value every year regardless of range, and so do a lot of things in general. A NDX 2 isn’t over double the price of a ND5 XS 2 for nothing. It is simply a much better player from all angles. The DAC and analogue filtering stages inside a NDX 2 are considerably better with it’s discreet components. In general with Naim you get what you pay for. Obviously a ND5 XS 2 is no slouch either, but at it’s price point. It took nearly nine years for Naim to replace their legacy players, just think how much they would of gone up in value in all that time period. I remember when a HiLine was £499 when first released. Since then it has almost doubled in price.
The way i see it is if you really want something and can afford it then just go for it. Life’s just too short to be worrying about the ‘what ifs’ and the what nots. Sorry to come across as being a bit direct here, but that’s life and i’m just trying to say things as it is.
Simon, I seem to remember you already demo’d the Hugo 2, TT2 and Dave, and kind of brushed them off as not as good as your Hugo 1. Is it because you only listened with your speakers, and not headphones? To me, headphones really have a more intimate sound, where every little detail can be heard with Chord Dac’s.
Not TT2, but TT. But yes I had demo’d them as DACs feeding the 552 and ATC speakers which is quite a forward combo, not as a DAC headphone amp… the performance and balance sounds quite different… especially into planar headphones.
I think this is good advice.
I often agonise for ages about spending money. Once the money is spent (and gone from my account…) more often than not my regrets are that I compromised too much on what I wanted because I thought I needed to spend less.
You can only spend it once, best get what you want.
I think you missed the particular point i was making and went on a Naim PR exercise instead. I certainly don’t have £5.3k going spare at the moment and am more concerned about job security presently and other priority financial committments. Retiring earlier sounds good too one day. Providing i keep my job that is.
It’s only a hifi system at the end of the day and i have a very good one already i think, which i enjoy immensely, so pretty content really and lucky to have what i have. My mate rates it and now he’s on the slippery slope. Sorry buddy.
I probably shouldn’t visit the forum as it can mess with your head . I’ve had the full 500 series previously (see image on Sn3/hicap thread), so done that whole trip and lived to tell the tale. The money came in handy and i bought a property instead.
Enjoy your Ndx2.
Everyone has their priorities. Your post sounds a little flippant.
Flippant is sometimes appropriate under the right circumstances.
I have lived with a ND5 XS 2 & SN3 which to my ears was a very enjoyable system indeed. At that stage it was maybe worthwhile removing the HiCap DR, but ever since i have introduced the NDX 2, then adding a HiCap DR makes all the more sense and this is easily demonstrable during a short listening period. Either way you can’t go wrong with any of those systems.
As long as it’s all good fun then that’s what really counts and should be regarded as just that or one can just keep throwing good money after bad. I think once one starts to take it all a bit too seriously then it can lead to a road of obsessive behaviour which in turn can lead to disappointment. As you say, this hobby is not cheap. Enjoyment is key no matter where you’re on your musical journey i say!
Wise words indeed.
My earlier comment about visiting the forum is that it is highly influential and really starts having an impact on you. I came back to the forum after 9 years having chosen to purchase a SN3 and either the Ndx2 or Nd5xs2, but i now appear to be thinking about separate power supplies and pricey interconnects. These can be very good of course, at a premium , if within your financial grasp.
I went through that whole experience previously because i didnt have any financial concerns at the time, but when i did have suddenly , it was surprisingly easy to drop down to more sensible levels. I think the SN3 and either of the two streamers is a great level to reach for my lifestyle and room layout, but if anyone wants to reach higher then good for you.
Enjoyment is definitely the key whilst balancing out other priorities and most importantly of all, some good music to play to lift your spirits. Streaming is especially good for exploring new stuff at will. Music has been a passion of mine since the age of 9 and long may that continue.
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