NDX BBC radio issues

Hello all,
I have an original NDX, ethernet connected, and I’m having issues with BBC stations slow loading and podcasts and on demand not playing. Any fixes? Also how come multi room stations (Muso Qb 2 in kitchen) are really out of synch?


Sam without knowing your country location, do we assume. you are in uk?
I’m currently listening to SU, so same gen as NDX. An example of slow loading beeb station and podcast would be useful.
Perhaps add what control point you use to your post and exact version number for that and the firmware your NDX is running.
I have just selected classical mixtape from Dec 08, which plays fine, from the podcast list.
If you select iRadio, then BBC Radio, then select a BBC stream, is this when the issue you are experiencing occurs? My SU responds w/o delay.
You could also try turning off all control points, Naim boxes and then restart your router modem.
Gove it a short while, then restart boxes and control points.
As far as multiroom is concerned, assuming yu select NDX and in the app then go to bottom line, click to the next window and then right hand corner, press the four square boxes which brings up multiroom and your Qb2 will appear. Select and timing is expected to be the same. If you are controlling each individually, then there will be a difference, but not with multiroom set as described.

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What firmware version is your NDX on? The latest is 4.8 but I any case you need at least 4.6

Where are you?

Hi Sam,

I think this is related to changes where Auntie Beeb really wants you to use BBC Sounds on a device.
In the past I could listen to all Radio 4 programmes On Demand. Now my UQ or NDX will sometimes see the content but not play it.

The content is often there and will play under Podcasts. Some of the On Demand seems to be delayed by up to a week as well. I stopped listening for a few months earlier in the year because of this.

However things seems to be much improved now. I just tried last weeks Any Questions from On Demand and the most recent programme is there and working. I also have NDX so if you are willing to share what programme isnt playing for you then I can test and see if that works for me. That way, we could work out if it’s a BBC side issue or a network issue of some sort.

Forgive the hiatus…back now. Yes it’s v 4.7.

I’m in the UK.

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To be honest none of the on demand works but some podcasts

I have an NDX in UK and it and the BBC are working perfectly.
You should be on firmware 4.8, its been out for so long, Sept 2021, but thats not this problem.

It might be you also need to catchup on the various BBC changes that have been going on.
Delete all the BBC stations you nave in your ‘Favourites’ on the app (iPad or Android)
Open iRadio & open the ‘BBC Radio’ icon and select the BBC station(s) of your choice, then save each (touch the star) to your app favourites screen.

Thanks…I believe the .8 update irritatingly requires a downloader and new lead rather than network connection. Why I don’t know but haven’t been able to sort it yet. I’ll try your idea…but it’s not about the favourites I don’t think but they are really slow to connect too and i believe it’s a BBC compatibility issue for sure.

also do you have any idea about multi room ie having the same music in synch on NDx in living room and Qb 2 in the kitchen? I just can’t see where the multi room option is…

Yes 4.8 update requires to download files from Naim’s Product Updates, plus other stuff.
1 a USB-A to USB-Mini cable to connect NDX to your laptop
2 an Ethernet cable from laptop to your local network (router or switch port).
Also needed is the how to do it instructions that should be (but at the moment are not) in the Naim Product Updates section, this contains a link to the correct (latest) drivers for the COM port
(@Richard.Dane can you inform whoever at Naim that the .pdf is missing)
In the meantime you’ll need to call Naim Support to get a copy

All the updates for the old streamers need to have both the Ethernet connection and the USB lead connection made. Half the update is delivered by each method. You get the update from Naim’s website and install it on your PC. You need to have installed the right USB drivers before you try to do anything. It’s all described in the instructions that Naim support can send you.

Regarding the BBC stations, if you have saved them previously, eg as favourites, then you must delete those because all of those old URLs are no longer valid. You have to explore the iradio index and connect to the station you want via that. Once it’s working then you can save it or favourite it again.

Multiroom needs to be switched on in the settings for any product you want to multiroom. Then you get something started in one unit go to the Now Playing bar at the bottom of the screen, tap it and in the bottom right hand corner you will see an icon of four squares. Tap that and you can select the units you want to multiroom to. This won’t work for hires files and it doesn’t work for analogue sources.

If you just select the same source in each unit, that isn’t multiroom and they are very unlikely to be in sync because digital circuits do add delay and the circuits in different types of product are different.

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