NDX Digital output

On a NDX …Hopefully a straight forward question (and answer), does setting ‘Digital Output’ set to ‘yes’ bypass the analogue output of the NDX? (i.e. the NDX is a streamer/transport).

If it’s like the ndx2, select it and the analogue output options are immediately disabled. And vice versa.

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Thank you Robert, does that mean disabled internally in the NDX?
Reason I ask is I’m wanting to compare my standalone dac with the inbuilt NDX dac (i.e. use the digital out of the NDX as input to my standalone dac).

It’s been quite a while since I owned an NDX, but IIRC, the digital output enable setting (configured via the front panel buttons and display) doesn’t disable the analogue output. You have to go into the analogue output menu and select disable from the various options.

For best results when comparing DACs, disable the digital output on the NDX when using its analogue output, and when using the external DAC, set the NDX analogue output to disabled.

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Thank you all, I’ll be comparing my Arcam IR dac with his NDX, not sure what to expect, but I’m sort of hoping the NDX will be better as I ‘need’ to upgrade the Arcam and feed my SN3 with a better input.

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