NDX & Uniti Core ‘issues’

I have a n NDX & Uniti Core on a network fed through the mains via a TP link switch & mains ‘connectors’ (all recently re-newed. ALS’s desktop PC + smart TV on the network. My dealer checked & updated the Naim gear as well as copying music from my NAS to a new hard -drive in the Uniti Core. I use a recently supplied BT router.
Problem: NDX shows music files on Uniti Core but won’t play them … neither do newly loaded files show on my NDX. Internet radio stores, shows & plays perfectly well. TV, no problem. Can anybody offer any advice, thoughts, other. I know ‘a little’ about setting things up, but to all intents & purposes i would hold my hand up & label myself ‘novice’.
Thanks - in anticipation.
Howard Russell

Hi Russell, welcome to the madhouse!
The first thing I would do is to test your music files by trying to play them in some other way. If you copy some to a USB stick and connect that directly to the NDX, will they play? This at least will confirm that the files have tranferred properly to you Core. You could also use a computer to view the files on your Core and check that they are intact.
I’m always a little suspicious of any so-called Ethernet over Mains devices. They can work, but they don’t actually conform to the Ethernet standard and are notorious for causing problems. It’s not immediately obvious how this might have any effect on your current problem, but it’s perhaps something to be aware of.

I assume that you are using the Naim app on a phone/tablet and looking at the music that shows up under the upnp (or servers) on the NDX home page?

If not, then you really do need to do that.

And if you are, then you can rebuild the music database in the Core using the option in settings on the Core home page. I suspect that your dealer hasn’t done this and so the Core won’t currently have a clue where everything is.

Hi - yes, I am using the Naim app on an ipad & I am able to look at the available music on the upper on the NDX. I am going to try your suggestion around rebuilding the database & I am at the moment taking a deep breath before hitting the appropriate command in options, so I shall keep you posted on the outcome.I am pleased that Naim have at least made that bit simple.

If you haven’t already done it, then let me just say that it takes a while to do the rebuild, so don’t worry that it takes a while before it shows any music at all! A rebuild takes about 20 mins on my Core, which has about 700 GB of music on it.

If you look at the very bottom of the view in Album view, you can watch the count slowly go up in small jumps.

Hi - thanks for the help (thus far). Sorry to say that despite prayer, ‘the rebuild’ had no effect. I am just wondering where to go next. Again, suggestions which are not too technical would be welcomed.

Assuming that your dealer knew what he was doing in transferring your music to the Core, then it should work fine with the NDX using upnp. I think you should exclude your network over mains stuff completely and see if you can make the Naim work using an Ethernet cable from your router to your NDX and another Ethernet cable from your router to your Core. You can use any cheap Ethernet leads for this test and just lay them across the floor or whatever.

If it does work then we know where to look and if it still doesn’t work then we also know where to look.

Hi folks & thank you for the helpful advice - in particular Dave & Chris. I like the ‘madhouse’ analogy, suited my hair tearing (I am follicle challenged) & prayer. The suggestions given were tried sadly to no avail - however, I don’t know what I did, is it called a ‘eureka moment’ - then the music began to play as listed. OK, the library needs tidying duplicates, covers & what you will; I like to think that this was down to me (the copying is only as good as what is written - or tipped). Once again, thank you for engaging with me & giving pointers to possible solutions to my problem. I am sorry for not being able to contribute to the forum in a more meaningful manner. I shall have to get more organised & write things down if I need to problem solve in the future, then I can hopefully help others.
Once again, thank you for your help.

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