NDX /US Network issue post Lightning Strike’

I can now see the NDX on my phone! I assume it is something to do with it being on a separate network that was no longer working? I still don’t have a screen on the NDX…

If you mean the screen on the ndx perhaps it’s knackered, that’s a special naim trait.

I think perhaps you for what ever reason have two networks going on is there a by hub somewhere in the house plugged in and on?

You aren’t paying both bt and sky for broadband are you?

Ignore the NDX screen issue for a moment.
@garyi makes a valid question re bt & sky. Two current setups?
From your screen shot, you are connecting to the sky router.
The other networks are available, but yep, may not be yours. It’s a case of trying to ascretain what your NDX is connecting to. Have you hard wired, direct, one cable, NDX to sky router?
In iPhone / Settings / Wifi / what is the IP address shown? It will be something like ...
Then in Naim app on iPhone / Naim app / NDX / settings (jagged symbol top right) / About - what is the IP address?

I assume this means the Naim app finds your NDX ?? Please be clear, it helps getting there !

No definitely not paying BT for broadband. We have a Unifi network for the annexe that runs from a cat 6 cable from them in. the sky router. We also have a separate Unifi network that runs on Unifi extenders at the top of the house that plugs into the cat 6 points, that ultimately connect to the sky router. This was installed because sky extenders did not work and a network specialist put them in.

Yes I mean the NDX is found by the Naim app. The NDX is connected to the router with a direct cable to the sky router.

I checked the IP addresses of the iPhone and the NDX and they are different.

Sorry I was not allowed to respond last night as had reached my limit of 22 posts…apologies!

22 posts?

Ok, so you seem to have a lot of network kit, is the wifi off on the sky router? The unifi extenders will be broadcasting their own wifi ssid, so perhaps is the sky router. It may lead to the same end but perhaps not. There is no BT hub in the mix, or BT disks?

What is the specific models of the unifi ‘extenders’ there is defo not any routing going on with them. It sounds like you may have double nat going on. To be clear if the sky is infact the router (and not just in modem mode) then it should be dishing out IPs to devices on your network, not the unifi kit and not the bt kit lol.

Definitely no BT hub or disks in the mix. I have a network guy coming to have a look about on Friday, so hope to get to the bottom of the issues and clean up the networks. I think a lightning strike and subsequent power cut last week has taken down one network and has also caused issues with eh NDX and Unitiserve.

Will report back when I know more. In the meantime, thank you Garyi and SoundHound for all your help.

Hopefully you can get sorted. In the home, best course is one network.
Unless lightning has caused damage to one of the Naim units, network will likely be the issue.
Worth considering, if the sky router is on auto update, you will be unaware of any updates, which may have caused an issue.
If you have Sky Q, a separate network for that may be appropriate, sky forum reports quite a lot of issues + friends similar; here still on earlier gen boxes.
If issues persist, note my earlier comments about amending the thread title. There are a few esteemed forum members with extensive network experience, who may miss your posts, since the thread title omits the issue. Good luck.

Thank you sound hound. Yes we have Sky Q boxes and I guess the router is on auto update as well. Fingers crossed for tomorrow’s visit.

Will change thread now. Thanks again.

Ah ha, wondered if you had Sky Q.
Unless you use iPhone to control sky Q, then option there for a separate network just for Sky tv.
Avoid TP-link and if you have Unifi kit - worth having the WAPs, if that is the units you have, hard wired back (via switch if necessary) to the router. A number of us have been using Ubiquiti WAPs hard-wired back hauled, for years without issues.
If Sky Q is using wifi - likely, that has been an issue in the past according to the Sky forum.
Let us know how you get on.

I had a similar issue a couple of years ago after a lightning strike on a nearby BT pole. This wiped out my BT phone system and Naim equipment hard wired into the router. All went through on household insurance on a new for old policy and new equipment was purchased. As a result I got the latest Nova and Uniti Core, result!

Yes I have the Unifi WAPS hard wired via a netgear switch. They have always been brilliant. I think the lightning strikes has also knocked these out as two have failed and cannot be seen on the network either. Funny as they are powered up and there seems to be no problem. Sky Q x 2 are hard wired. Will update once the expert has been!

That’s really useful info Tim- thank you. I will speak to the networks chap who is coming tomorrow and then my insurers as well.

Hi, Sorry I have been trying to edit the title and not making much progress…please could you advise? Thanks.

Do you see a pencil to the left of the title at the top - the header. If so, press that as the OP and you can change. If you don’t yet have edit function (may not on first thread). Then ask Richard.Dane, by a simple post using reply at the bottom of the page here and put @ in front of his name - it will fill in for you. So you can suggest something like “Nova network issue post lightning”.

Interestingly another forum member in US has somewhat similar probs with network. However there are some significant differences, so let’s hope your n/w specialist can sort out for you.

I don’t yet have edit function for title so will ask Richard to see if he can help out. Thank you for the help.

I saw the thread from the US chap. I think it is network issue as I have lost all connections from Unifi WAPS and the TP link one (which will be replaced anyway!). I found the NDX on the network when I plugged it into the SKY router so know that it can be found which is a good start. Network guy has cancelled tomorrow and will now come next week…

Hi Richard, please can you help me, as I would like to edit the title of my thread to "NDX /US Network issue post Lightning Strike’. I am new to the forum so don’t yet have the appropriate privileges. Thank you.

Title edited for you.

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Brilliant and thank you very much for the speedy help!!

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