NDX with external DAC,


I am using the NDX with XPS-DR and have interest to add the external DAC.

I would like to know do I need the XPS-DR on NDX when use the external DAC ?


You can use the XPS on either. Probably best sound quality will be with it on the NDAC.

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But the xpsdr on the Ndac will uplift nicely the sound.

Sorry to miss information, I will not use the NDAC, I am considering other non naim DAC.

If you are using a non-Naim DAC then you may as well sell the XPS. The link plug is much cheaper :slightly_smiling_face:

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Noted and Thanks !!!

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I suspect that you will hear a subtle improvement with the XPS but I can’t imagine that it would be anywhere near enough to justify keeping it. It would be interesting to hear if you can tell the difference if you have a chance to compare.

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