NDX2/555dr vs ND555/555dr

I have said a few times the ND555 is “better” than what has gone before (NDS, NDX2) but the margin of better was never justifiable by the price. My NDS has little value in relative terms of trading in against a nd555 hence I live with my NDS.

Buying because it’s “ a deal “ is not always a wise strategy and with new boxes coming out later in the year who knows if deals of today will look good in 12 months time.

Naim is pretty good reliability wise but over the years I have had issues and without my dealer / HQ I would have left me with an expensive door stop!

Buying Naim whilst they roll out new products can be tricky to navigate the opportunities - buy what you want not what’s cheap and then the old phrase of “price is soon forgotten if quality remains”

I guess only a demo in your home will tell you if it makes sense to proceed?


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At that time, your amp had already opened the door very wide for the ND’s virtues to shine through.


What system do you now have?

Thanks for such a detailed reply, that’s really helpful and much appreciated. Though my hard rock taste probably doesn’t extend beyond Riverside - which can be more than a good workout!

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From which period, years are listening to music ? Both nowadays albums and from the 70’s, 80’s?
I ask that because if you listen mostly, by a big margin, to albums that were recorded originally on vinyl, then I would go more for the best analog source you can afford.
In my case it’s 50/50, so my sources are on similar level.

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Almost all of my vinyl is from the 70’s and 80’s, but would be less than 15% of my listening time. I might consider an RP8 in future and run my Exact cart on that, as a lower cost upgrade - time will tell.


So we will see very soon your new and sweet Nd555. Happy retired young boy :+1:


ND555 with the courier, should be here tomorrow.

Off course, the NDX2 is now putting up a sterling effort to steer off the ND555 by sounding particularly good, and I’m sweating “what I have done”……

We’ll see (hear).


Please do not report any of your findings. Thanks for your sympathy!


Remember to remove the transit bolts. Best done if somebody holds it perched on a table with half over the edge so you can see the underside. Remove from that side and then turn around and remove the remaining ones.
I am sure you will like it…….:+1:


I’m an expert, I have a 552. Main challenge will be whether the second Burndy will fit without moving the rack!

Of course, forgot the 552.

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Sometimes I think it’s a 252 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is such as good deal that it’s hard to pass up. I’m still holding off until I hear my dream speaker in Melbourne next month…

Given the similarities with our systems, I look forward to your verdict

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You are buying so frequently it’s difficult to keep up with your system changes😂


And who did I learn from :joy::joy:. In all seriousness, it’s very much about opportunity and timing and getting mostly second hand (everything now except the streamer). Otherwise, it’s all well beyond me.


Too good an opportunity to turn down, enjoy the ride.

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Looking forward to hearing all about it Mike, with all the supporting existing kit you have it kinda makes sense particularly if the price was right. I’m sure it’ll be fab.

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You only live once! Congratulations for your purchase, keep us updated!


I only have a middling 252 yet the ND555 is capable of great things in my living room every single day - all the more so since I added the Kudos 606s. You have one of the magic keys in the 552 and I for one would be astonished if you don’t get over any doubts real quick… Further to Gazza’s point, be careful when you move it for cleaning/installation etc - you can sense the sprung mechanisms inside! The bad news will come when we start reading the instantly wow reviews that will herald the arrival of the 350 monoblocs… :partying_face: Hopefully it will be academic because we won’t be able to buy them down here!!!