NDX2/555dr vs ND555/555dr

I’ll grab mine next time.

BR James.


I also have 252DR and Kudos 606, however my source is NDX2/XPSDR. I’m really tempted to pass to ND555/555PS but in addition to the economic aspect I do not know if it may worth without a complete 500 series. I’ll try not to think anymore about it and keep my NDX2/XPSDR but if the occasion happen… :joy:


Willpower is vital on this forum. I should say that I got an extremely good deal on the ND555 and PS otherwise it wouldn’t have happened……

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I do understand your point pretty well, sometimes ignorance is a blessing. However, out of curiosity, it’s interesting to hear other people experience. And if you live twice, you have plenty of time to plan your purchase… or maybe you’ll conclude that it’s too much and not worth the stretch, never say never :grinning:

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I’ve won the Battle of the Burndies and we have sound :sunglasses:


Why do I get the feeling your posts are going to cost me £25k for a 552 and ND555 :laughing:


How is the ND555 settling in?

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I’ve just had 3 albums and it’s late, so can’t get into loud rock music yet. Off course it was cold out of an unopened box, but the 555PS is well used. Initial impressions are that its really rather good: a lot more refinement and very immersive - a lot of detail and nuance coming through (individual threads of instruments are clear etc), but not in an analytical way - just very natural and effortless. Which is exactly what I was looking for.

Can it be burnt in by running into the 552 on mute? I expect this will be very special indeed a few weeks in.


I just put mine on a radio station and turned it down very low during sleep time and then upped the volume in the morning.

P.S if you ever trip over another cd555 power supply whilst out walking, try it on the nd555😂

You’re very naughty you know!

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I would imagine that running it in on mute will definitely help burn it in - the ND555 has no idea if the electrons that it’s pushing up the interconnect are coming out of the speakers, and all the while you’ll have power coursing through the circuitry


I’m ten days in with my ND555 and it still continues to get better. I’ve only had a couple of days where it went a bit bass heavy and lost detail. The following day it was back to sounding great then listening to it last night it was truly exceptional.

Played several tracks and albums I know well and it was like listening to different recordings. The wealth of detail, instrument placement, venue acoustics and shear musicality was mesmerising. I ended up going to bed at around 3:00am this morning.

I can’t even begin to put the improvements into context because they are both subtle and massive at the same time. I’m sitting here listening to Radio Paradise at 320kps on he ND and it makes Hi-Res files played on my Node/Ndac/555DR just sound a bit naff - and I really loved how my Node/Ndac/555DR sounded!

The ND555 really is a great piece of kit.


Why, when you could be playing the lossless FLAC stream instead?

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Thanks, didn’t know that. I’m still finding my way round the slightly quirky layouts. Yes, just found it. Thanks for the tip.

So @Mike_S - after a week with the ND555, what are your impressions compared to the NDX2? Asking for a friend etc…


It’s quite remarkable really. Not to take anything away from the very good NDX2/555DR, the ND555 is quite a step up in every regard - as you would hope for the price difference. A lot has already been written about the ND555. My main first impressions are the obvious increase level of detail, clarity and lower noise floor and the increase in sound stage. Then you notice the real impact of the refinement across the dynamic range. A much more detailed, textured and tight bass and a more transparent and sparkly top end, nuance in the vocals and instruments, and as @Steve mentioned, you can follow discreetly all the individual threads and instruments in the music.

It’s an absolute delight.

I need to spend more time with it, I had my brother visiting, so have only had a few hours a day - but its burning in on radio in mute.


Mike, i can testify, that you’ll get the same gap while adding (sooner or later…) a second 555PS to the ND555…it never stop, but it worth the effort

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You’re as naughty as @Gazza. Fortunately there is no room in the rack, the hi-fi balance is exhausted, as is Mrs Mike’s tolerance threshold.

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Don’t trust french guys, specially when they are hard of hearing . ( see his avatar). :joy:


I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t looked at this post.:smile: