NDX2 channel went out

Yes, I had both go within a short space of time, I would presume replacement relays are equally prone to failure unless Naim is fitting an alternative which I doubt but maybe they are, should be a product recall imo.

Iā€™m starting to wonder this too. Sort of beats waiting and wondering whether the ND555 will cark it. Already been there with a NDX2, repaired outside warranty by the ex Naim distributor.

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Seems like a lot of people have recurring quality issues with the NDX2? Wonder if @110dB can comment on this in any way and whether there are any actions planned to address the problem?


Yes, thatā€™s the classic Naim mantra. So this is not an acceptable long term fix. Contact Naim Support directly and see what they say.

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If you search the forum there is a number of matching threads & posts about this, several alluding to a bad batch, or batches, of relays. Nothing official though, and I wonder if there would be.

If it turns out that a component repeatedly does not meet the requirements, it is the manufacturerā€™s obligation to take measures to remedy the error and protect the end customer. It applies in the car industry and should also apply in this case, one might thinkā€¦

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Have anyone paid for repairing a stuck relay? Iā€™m pretty sure Naim absorb it on goodwill. Most of them at least.

I think the issue is more that they are still selling products with a known defect.


I have a 2018 NDX 2 - absolutely no relay problems and it gets a lot of use. No need to become paranoid.


f you have had the relay replaced three times, it is justified to be somewhat annoyed even if you donā€™t pay I think.


Naim has confirmed that using DIN + RCA degrades the sound compared to DIN only. So I still donā€™t have a fixā€¦

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Just to come back to this now that neither channel works on the NDX2 with DIN only selectedā€¦
Does anyone know why selecting DIN + RCA on the output works, but selecting DIN only does not work?

I was told if you have both selected then its more of a power draw?

I seeā€¦ could well be. But Iā€™m asking why one is working and not the otherā€¦

If I connect both DIN & RCA but select DIN only or VV, the level drops significantly as if itā€™s been loaded so it appears you can only connect one output at a time.

To clarify, this is not about having DIN cable and RCA physically connected.

I have only the DIN cable connected. When I select ā€œDINā€ only in Output Settings in the app for the NDX2, there is no sound (previously a few months ago this issue presented itself as sound only coming from one channel).

When I select ā€œDIN + RCAā€ in Output Settings in the app (still with only the DIN physically connected) there is full sound. Iā€™m asking if anyone would know the reason for this.

Dunno, I suspect itā€™s how the relays are arranged, either way Iā€™d say you have a duff relay

Update - the right channel has now gone, even when selecting DIN + RCA. Grrr. Has anyone who has had the same issue got it fixed and what was the issue/how was it fixed?

Worried as I am off to demo the NDX2 this morning, wondering if I am potentially buying a problem.

Have Naim not come back to you with a resolution to the issue?

yep, been there, itā€™s the relays, back to naim Iā€™m afraid

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