How close to an ND555 would you get and what PS can you use with NDS?
By this I trust you don’t mean playing the NDX2 into a NDS? In any event an XPS or 555 PSUis required for a NDS. How close to a ND555??
ND555 now in place - #49 by Dan_M also and NDS v ND555 compare time
I hope these help
Pretty darn close is my guess…
You don’t need NDX2 for that purpose. You pay an awful lot for the DAC in it when the streaming board is just a tiny bit of it. Do as me and some other and get a Lindemann Bridge II into NDS instead. Same brand of streaming board and good synergy with NDS.
Already have NDX 2 and second hand NDS can be bought for under £2k.
During demonstrations I was struck by how close the NDX2/555 was to a ND555/555. Remember the NDX2 was de facto the replacement for the NDS.
Would recommend a PS555 over NDS?
I would not NDS + 555PSDR + Lindemann Bridge II sound better than NDX2 + 555PSDR. Then money left over to spend on better cables.
I stopped using my Sonore Bridge because I couldn’t access Radio Paradise on Audirvana. How is the Lindemann on that front?
What app do you use for that please?
The Iindemann app. Here’s an overview of the radio page. I mostly use Roon app but the Lindemann UI and UX is great. Far better than Naim for example.
I use Tidal and listen to a lot of RP. Is the Lindemann plug and play? Any downsides?
I use Tidal too. Lindemann just pushed sw so now they also support Tidal max over Connect. I see no downsides. For me it has been working with zero issues since day one. Screens from macbook air.
Cool I shall have a look into this. I loved the sound improvement with my Sonore rigged up but the functionality wasn’t quite there. Plus the Audirvana subscription was an extra expense. Presumbaly the Lindemann app is free?
Yes the app for desktop and smartphone is free. They have great support if any questions and hw/sw has been spinning great. @anon93081805 also use it and I believe he is a happy camper as well I bought mine used for like 350GBP.
I bought mine new and am happy. It’s good as it
Is. Better than the streamer in the NDS. It becomes even better with a good power supply and better still if you happen to know someone who can modify it😁
And if you use Tidal it has Tidal connect. I find it kind of buggy but it’s there.
I use mine with an Sbooster on it. For some reason I preferred it over Farad3. But it is very good with the included SMPS too so no hurry IMO.