NDX2 remote lights flashing twice

Hi all, I can’t find an answer to this on any of the manuals etc on line.

Every time I press a button the remote all the lights flash twice, and nothing else happens. One moment it was working, the next, it did this.

Anybody know what this is? Is it just batteries are low?

Thanks all…

Presumably you’ve tried turning the NDX2 off and on again? Maybe the remote needs re-pairing. Does it all work via the app? Have you tried new batteries?

It would appear an unplug/plug back in of the NDX2 has cured all! :man_shrugging:t3:

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Ha! I wouldn’t mind but the fault was showing on the remote, not the box!

But yes… seemed to do the trick!

Who knows what’s going on with these things? The main thing is that it’s working again.

If you were in Christmas this flashing remote would be cool .Just hang it on a tree.

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