NDX2/SN3 Speaker Recommendations

PMC Twenty5 23i?

Thanks, everyone, for your recommendations and valuable input.

Before launching this post, I conducted extensive research on speakers known to pair well with Naim amplifiers. Armed with this knowledge, I analyzed locally available options within my budget. The three speakers I initially mentioned stood out as intriguing choices, thanks to their current competitive pricing in Australia.

It’s fascinating to note the diverse suggestions and experiences shared here. In my research, I did come across many of the other speaker options suggested, but unfortunately, had to exclude them due to a lack of bargains or availability in Australia. For example, the current pricing of the Focal Sopra 2 is 40% cheaper than the Kudos 606, yet it retail price is much higher. It’s a tempting proposition, even though it slightly exceeds my budget.

Therefore, my question was primarily related to my Naim gear (namely, SN3), the size and acoustics of my room, and the somewhat awkward space for speaker placement. It’s interesting to see that some people think the Sopra 2 might be overkill for my room and SN3, while others believe the two will match perfectly.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I reside in an apartment building, where I predominantly listen to music at lower to medium volumes.

Once again, thank you all for taking the time to share your experiences and recommendations. It’s been an enlightening journey, and I’m looking forward to exploring further.


@Dan_M, thank you so much for providing the detailed information about the Sopra 2 plinth size. This is exactly what I needed, and your help is greatly appreciated!

I’ve used the dimensions you shared to plan the positioning on a diagram (attached). Placing the speakers in the corner would leave just over 40cm from the back wall and about 23cm from the side wall. Any thoughts or suggestions on this setup?

On a separate note, I’ve encountered some issues posting messages in this thread. My messages seem to be stuck in the ‘has to be approved’ status. I’ve tried deleting and reposting, but it’s not resolving the issue. Any insights on what might be causing this problem?

Once again, thank you for your assistance!

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For what it’s worth, I recently listened to a pair of Audiovector R3 Arrete in a HiFi show, in a small untreated hotel room, and still it was probably the best thing I have ever heard from HiFi in my life. Definitely left a lasting impression… They were driven though by a pair of Exposure 5010 mono amps, so I cannot comment on how they would perform when driven by an SN3. I’ll bugger my friendly dealer one day about this… :innocent:

PMC would also be high on my list (I currently have a pair of twenty5.21i), and I would expect that the floorstanders would give the extra bass that I am lacking with my current setup.

I hate the looks and the sound of any Focals I have encountered so far, so I wouldn’t go there. But that’s just my taste.

To be honest though, you definitely need to listen to the speakers one way or another before commiting to anything, as they have a different presentation to each other and it’s all about personal taste.

As a matter of fact, I have a pair of B&W 685 in a second system, driven by a NAIT XS (1st gen), and I find this combination the most enjoyable and easy to listen to. They don’t have the higest level of detail, but they are so fun with all their bass! The best party speaker for sure. So maybe not sell them straight away?

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I’m not sure that buggering your dealer is going to help, even if they are friendly.


I use ATC 40s with exact same setup and very happy with them: sound is unbelievable and the design is great. There is a dedicated ATC branch on this forum that I would advise to explore.

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Clearly you are looking for a bargain, but do remember that buying something because it’s a bargain is rarely a good idea. Remember that Dan has a pair of Sopra 2 matched with a very high performing Naim system, with 52/135s and excellent sources. All you have is an NDX2/SN3. It’s good, I had the same, but you simply don’t match them with £12,000 speakers and expect to get a balanced system. By all means go for them if you plan to spend another £20,000+ on electronics to match them, but if you don’t, then get something more sensible that matches what you have now. Focal Kanta 2 or PMC twenty5.24i, or some more modest Audiovectors should be fine. I’d be a bit concerned about having one in front of that corner though, and rear ports are likely best avoided, which may rule out the Kanta.

If you really, really do want the Sopras, then get hold of a 252/300 and a PS for the NDX in the current fire sale - more bargains - and put together a well matched top flight setup. If you won’t do that, get a speaker that actually matches. It’s the recipe for long term satisfaction.


The Sopra 2s like to have space around them. I think it might be a little hemmed in where you have the speakers. I have them 600mm from back wall and they have plenty.of space on all sides. They need air. You need a speaker that can go near a back wall or in a corner, something which isn’t fussy. My fear is you may get bass boom, but you have stated that you won’t be playing loud.

Look they are really good speakers and I think they’d work well with your electronics.

Obviously alot better still with a 252 300DR NDX2 with XPSDR.

Watch out like I said with these speakers and positioning in tight areas. It will sound more closed in and boomy. Room acoustics are important.

I cleared furniture out, including a large sofa and moved the Fraim stacks to a different wall, moved shelving to make it all work.

The system dictated what I should do rather than me coming out with a layout that I wanted.

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I have tried to give the speakers as much space as possible. 400mm from back wall should be okay. You may be okay. Is it possible to bring them out into the room more so they have more sideways space at all? Moving the speakers out into the room makes a huge difference with opening up the sound and creating a better soundstage and flow.

I experimented a fair bit with positioning. Toeing in slightly helpted too.


Sorry, I guess you meant “rule in the Kanta”?:thinking:

Don’t they have ports at the rear as well….?

Edit: Yes, they do….

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Have you considered Neat speakers, they’re generally a great partner for Naim electronics. There’s a local distributor/dealer in Sydney that I’m sure can help.

Without getting in too much trouble I’d make sure you have a good listen to any Focals before committing to anything. Some of their speakers have (imo) a rather hard top end.

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Wow, thanks for the correction. I didn’t know they have one at the rear

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The last time I heard the Statement demoed some years back in Australia, they used one of the silly Grand Utopia models to go with it….all I could hear was treble really. Swear I came out with less plaque on my teeth….! :rofl:

Neat is a good shout and surprisingly fairly available in Oz, well over East anyway…
A set of the Iota Explorers could go well in the restricted space on the right that @100Harbour has here…I’m not sure how close they can go back to wall, but I think they are ported downwards through the base, certainly are Iso-Baric in the bottom section….




My dealer (who’s also the Aus distributor) has them in his showroom, I’ve always been curious to have a listen. They look great.

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They’re supposed to sound really good…
I’ve heard the Alpha, which is smaller still and came out before the Explorer and was the first baby floorstander added to the Iota range – they were really good and actually my old man nearly got a pair to go with his Nova as they too had a bit of a restricted space for speakers….They really are tiny physically and almost funny looking, but have a sound that really belies their size and I mean that aside to typical Hi-Fi speak….
I’ve read lots of good things re the Explorer and that the larger cabinet really helps take them into territory where they are serious alternatives to ‘traditional’ floorstanders….

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I’m just listening to my Neats now, love them. I’ve never heard anyone that didn’t like their speakers.


This may be of interest:

FYI, I have the Neats 30 cm from the wall and the Kantas 40cm from the wall. I should imagine the larger Explorer would be great with the SN3.

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Whereabouts are you in Bangers @JamesBKK ? I used to live there, some 15yrs ago now (Initially in Klongsan, then Silom area and finally Soi Ari)
What’s the Naim distribution/availability like there now…? When I was living there, there was a long running distributor/dealer on Surawong Road – they were lovely (family based, as Thais typically are!), but didn’t hold much stock really, just mainly the 5-series models at the time…I believe they ceased being the distributor some years back now. As I got more serious with my Naim interests, I started making trips down to Singapore as the dealer and stock situation was somewhat better at the time….


Hi @S.C I’ve been here 20 years (with stints in Hanoi and Jakarta too). Soi Ari has really taken off. I live in Pattanakarn, just past Ekhamai, more space for speakers out there!

The main Naim + Focal dealer is in Paragon mall. They have a decent set up and a listening room. There are a few other dealers who stock bits of Naim (+other brands). Availability is just ok - the 200 series is available, but not the 300. It is more the pricing and tax that is the issue… I have not heard of a dealer at Surawong Road so assume they have closed.